Friday, June 7, 2019

Weber in University Essay Example for Free

Weber in University EssayMax Webers (1958) one aspect of analyzing society involves rationalization in capitalism ( p. 13). His idea is that pursuit of capital is not just for the sake of earning but must also be reducedin a way that is calculating or earning more profit (Weber, 1958). Highlight of this is the Lutherian input that capitalism gives you a special duty. Fulfillment of that duty is the highest form of performing object lesson activity as this is moral obligation (spirit of capitalism) (Weber, 1958).Universities never escaped capitalism. It has even become the means for the reproduction of capitalism. University propagates the idea that a man needs to study to be able to practise where the higher education level he attains, the greater is his opportunity to earn more. It is similar with Webers idea on task specializationa student entering the university must choose his specialization or degree program. With this, universities earn profit because more students wa nt to get to college.The main idea beingness that when you get to graduate from the university with a degree, you atomic number 18 sure to land on a good job with good pay. But earning money is not the sidle up on getting a degree. Instead, it is inculcated as a moral obligation to the society which is parallel to Webers spirit of capitalism. A better particle of society is someone who works hard achieving his tasks than someone who does not strive for success. Looking at how university works, specific duties are performed by specific groups.Professors teach, administrative manages the university and some other groups for other significant tasks like counseling and housing for students who serves as the customers though not purchasing market goods but intellect and skills. These duties once fulfilled rationalize the profit earned by universities. Not only is mere fulfillment of duty considered a moral activity but as education is elevated and seen as significant, so are the pr ofessors who mold the future workforce of the world. It is indeed the highest form of moral activity literally and figuratively.These duties/jobs found in the universities comprise the repulseimportant concept for Weber and Marx. While Marx argues that there is no free labor since people have to sell their labor power to capitalist, Weber argues that interchange this is still wage-flexible and calculable (1920, p. 21). Good examples are the janitors and the professors. Both sell their labor power to owners of university. But since both has different labor power to offer (one on manual labor, other is teaching), there would be wage-differences.Thus, it shows how university truly has incorporated calculation with it being a business. As shown, universities, though seen as having noble purpose of educating, are still under the rationalistic capitalism that calculates, profit-oriented and involve special tasks. They bring to the society two valuable productsthe profit they earn in ter ms of money and the students who in turn earns money and profit for themselves after college. This is how universities pattern with Webers idea.ReferenceWeber, M. (1958). The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. New York Scribner.

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