Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Script for Theater Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Script for Theater Class - Essay Example(Velma was shaking her head as she looked at her friend.) Now, please do not imply I am being pessimistic nor am I trying to discourage you even more. I am just trying to let you see distinctly what could possibly be dimmed by your current situation and emotions. You can constantly find a foster parent or you can stomach the chela adopted. In the future, you will see when you know that your child is living somewhere, that you have made the right decision.Velma (Nodding) I have been thinking about the said(prenominal) things for the past days. I know it is not right for me to hurt my baby just because his father and I are cowards. I cannot bear the thought of having my child suffer a lot while I try to achieve my goals. I hate my boyfriend for abandoning me to have to deal with this alone. I just give care he had some heart enough to try to know how I am doing now.Emma Well, I do not blame Jason. Perhaps, I f I were in his position, I woul d have done the same thing to you. So now you know that he really does not love you. I always had my doubts about him. I knew he will just use you as a decoration in his life, a trophy for being rich and handsome. I know it pains you a lot however, at least now, you know where you stand. I think it is best that you have known that he cannot stand up to fight for the love that he so much tried to show you only to get what he really wanted. I do not think he really is the man that people have always thought him to be. He is vigor but a selfish jerk who thinks about nothing but himself. See how easily he has exchanged you and your baby for his money? Anyway, I think it would be best for you to get him out of the picture as early as now and let us just concentrate on how you and your baby are going to survive. I think you can lock up try to conceal your baby bump until after graduation and still be cheered as the most intelligent among the graduates. Then perhaps, we could speak again by then.Velma It is always funny is it? (Velma had a strange look on

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