Thursday, August 22, 2019

Professional Development Plan Essay Example for Free

Professional Development Plan Essay Each person has a certain personality type and each person has strengths and weaknesses members will bring to the group. Understanding how to use the group member’s strength will help to overcome the potential weaknesses. By using one group members strength for one task can allow another team member to use her strengths in other areas. Developing a professional development plan can help the team work together to get the job done. In evaluating the group member’s personality types, there are three dominate personalities considered â€Å"The Producer,† and one group member who is an interactive personality known as â€Å"The Impresser. † By having three dominate personalities, the team will have to make sure that the members are not all trying to take control of the situation and leading the group in three different ways. We will also have to make sure that we can delegate tasks to other group members to make sure we are not overwhelmed and making other members think their work is not good enough. The assessment of myself was spot on from the behavioral evaluation. Even though I have worked hard not coming across so blunt to people and understanding that people have their own way of getting the job done. I am a person who sometimes does not like to express my feeling and just want to get the job done. I am a person who likes to get large tasks accomplished in a short amount of time to have the achievement of accomplishment. I do like to finish a task from start to finish, and it bothers me if I have to jump to another task before I am finished. I am a fast-paced person and can change my pace depending on if the business picks up. Possessing a dominate personality also has its downfalls. Dominate personalities can be stubborn, impatient, and tough. Sometimes this can be an issue when I become close-minded to others ideas and impatient with other group members. Dominate personalities like to be in control and do not want to lose that control. I will have to say this is  an issue that I need to work on. I do not like losing control and when I do analysis how I could have changed it instead of letting go of the situation. Another area that dominate personalities do not handle well is d ealing with feelings. I have had to overcome this over the years and learn that sometimes I may not mean to come across harsh, but to some people it can come across that way. I have learned that I have to take into consideration the person I am dealing with and make sure I take the group members feelings into consideration before speaking. Dominate personality types also have to understand that we will not always prevail on every issue that comes up. The section of the assessment that was very interesting but also very true was how dominate personalities react under stress. The assessment stated that dominate personality types are restless, critical, blunt, intrusive, uncooperative, irritable, aggressive, and pushy (Alessandra, 2013). I can see myself going through these behaviors when I am stressed and understand why it is important not to take things out on others and that the situation will get resolved even if I am not in control of it. Another area that was interesting was how to reduce conflict. The section that stated their anger is directed at the situation and the lack of desired results (Alessandra, 2013). These outbursts and behaviors may appea r to be personal attacks when they are not meant to (Alessandra, 2013). I have had this happen a few times when I am speaking with my husband, and he always thinks I am mad at him instead. I have to learn to state I am stress over the situation and not make people think I am blaming them. In evaluating the other team member’s personality type, one member is considered to be the interactive style. The interactive personality style actions are spontaneous, dislike working alone, work quickly and excitedly with others, and have good persuasive skills (Alessandra, 2013). Some weaknesses for the interactive style is that they can be disorganized, careless, exaggerates, and poor follow-through (Alessandra, 2013). The interactive personality type main focus is people and dominate personality type are goal focused. Interactive personality types like to brainstorm and interact with colleagues. Dominate personalities like to work alone to make sure the task is completed. They also like freedom from control and like to have the chance to influence or motivat e others. Dominate personalities like to be in control and strive for results. The interactive personality type can  express anger as a general response to a personal attack on them. Interactive personalities tend to be more emotional that dominate personality types. Dominate and interactive personality types are direct and fast-paced people. We frequently us gestures and voices to emphasize our point, tend to be less patient and more competitive, frequently contribute to groups and can express opinions readily (Alessandra, 2013). Dominate personalities tend to be guarded and direct behaviors, whereas interactive personalities are direct and open behaviors. Even with both personality types preferring fast-paced work styles some tension may result based on that interactive personality’s emphasis is on people and dominate personality’s emphasis is on the goals. Some degree of tension is likely to result in our interactions because of the difference in priority (Alessandra, 2013). In evaluating the team’s personality types, we will have to make sure we are taking into consideration people and goals to get tasks accomplished. Both personality types like a fast-paced environment and can become impatient. The interactive personality type will help to contribute the emotional component need and the dominate personality will help to give order and structure in a timely manner. When working in a group each member must take into consideration that not every team member functions as another one may. If each team member can use each person’s strengths forward and whatever weaknesses come up can be benefited by another team member. When working in a group make sure to be open minded and make sure that everyone is heard and not overlooked. Work Cited Alessandra, T. The DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment. (2013) Retrieved from:

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