Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Money cannot buy happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Money cannot buy happiness - Essay Example But, this is paradoxical as money can’t really buy happiness. It is written in many spiritual texts that money can only buy the source but not true content of happiness. For example, money can buy a house but not a home filled with love and affection; it can buy a bed but not sleep; it can buy companions but not friends. Money is required for satisfaction of material wants, and there is no end to human wants. In the race of achieving more and more material needs, man tends to forget to be happy. Man is a social animal and cannot live in isolation. Rich men attract people, but hardly have any friends; or, tend to lose friends in due course because their focus is towards making more money rather than to give time to their beloved ones and value their affection (Jet, 15). As a result, men having money become lonely with no people to care for by the end. Such life is certainly not a happy one. Happiness lies in being cared for and caring for others. Money cannot prevent one from losing his/her life; only love and affection can be cherished even after the loss. Jet Magazine quotes that the psychologist, Dr. Lewis-Jack believes that real happiness is ‘peace of mind, good health and being content with yourself and where you are at this point in your life; having goals and a willingness to work toward achieving those goals’ (p.18). This is very true because chasing after money will affect one’s health in the due course of time, which will necessitate treatment and care. For this, the person will have to rush to health care where he will receive care upon paying money; but, this care will not be original and true to his/her internal satisfaction. Secondly, chasing after money causes mental and emotional stress; this will manifest in the form of quarrels, misunderstandings, depression, anxiety and fear. Greed for money will also

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