Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Level 3 Child Development

Child Development Project CYP Level 3 Main principles of development: The main principles of development are: * Physical development – gross and fine motor skills * Communication development * Social development * Emotional development * Intellectual development * Moral development Sequences of development: Sequences of development are the order in which children develop; all children follow the same sequence of development but at different rates.For example the sequence of physical development starting from birth will start with a baby turning his/her head towards a sound – then able to hold their head up independently – sit up with support and reach for objects – start to crawl and sit up independently – begins to stand up holding onto objects and walking around holding onto things. The sequences carry on throughout life and there are different areas of development in which sequences occur. How development and learning are interconnected:Babies an d children are learning from you all the time, a good example to explain this would be if a baby isn’t spoken to often then that baby will lack in their communicational skills in the future were as a baby who is interacted with frequently will learn words and develop communicational skills quicker than a child who isn’t. Also a child will progress in their moral skills by learning that we don’t snatch toys when they are told that it is wrong to snatch and that we wait until that child is finished playing with it then you are welcome to have it.And if you turn it round a child will learn it is right to wait for their turn with a toy instead of snatching when they are praised for doing so. Rate of development: All children will follow the same sequence of development but not all at the same time, all children are different. For example not all children will walk before their 1st birthday and not all children will be able to use the potty independently by the age o f 2.A child may be developing at a steady rate in one area of development but may be struggling with another area, that is where adults step in and support them in furthering their development in that area. Different areas of development can affect other areas for example physical can affect emotional, a child will learn to manage their emotions by having the experience, a child will experience that if there is only one balancing beam then they will have to be patient if there are other children on it at the same time as him/her.Development is holistic means that each area of development can be affected by another area of development for example if a child can’t identify the colour red and cannot deal with the emotion of being wrong (emotional development) then his level of resilience will drop and won’t have the confidence to try new things which will affect his intellectual development. How and why variations occur in rate and sequence of development and learning: Th ing that could cause variations in the rate and sequence of development and learning are: * Culture * Health Genetics * Wealth * Disabilities * Environment and surroundings 3 examples: Culture – some cultures are stricter than others which may mean the expectations of the child are higher than another child who has a different background. A child from a strict culture and who is expected highly of will most probably develop quicker than a child who is expected to do what they can and challenged when they are ready to move on. Health – a child with asthma who cannot join in all sports and physical activities could cause a delay in their physical development.Wealth – a child who lives in a house with a garden and a bike with no stabilisers to practice on will most probably be able to ride a bike with no stabilisers before a child who lives in a block of flats who is only able to go and practise when someone can take him out. Explanations of the pattern of developm ent in the first 3 years and skills typically acquired at each stage: Personal factors influencing development, including; Health could delay a child’s physical development if they are not able to join in physical activities because they won’t get the experience they need to develop their gross motor skills further.Disability could delay a child’s social development if they feel left out, it may lower their self-esteem and their confidence in making friends therefore they won’t be getting the experience they need to develop their social skills and their emotional development because they won’t be learning to wait their turn and share. Also they may lack in a ‘can do’ attitude which could stop them from trying new things and trying again if they fail the first time. Genetic inheritance Sensory impairments usually result in the other senses becoming stringer.Although it could delay the child’s development if it isn’t diagno sed early, the earlier it is diagnose the earlier the child can be supported and be taught relevant things in a way that suits them. Learning difficulties could affect the way the child interacts with other children which could delay their social and emotional skills because they could either not interact enough or interact in an angry way because they are frustrated with themselves which in that case the child doesn’t know how to handle their emotions.External factors which influence child development, including: Motivation is very important, for a child to progress their development they need motivation to try new things and to try again if they aren’t able to do it the first time. Without motivation a child is likely to lack in resilience and self-esteem because they don’t have that person telling them it’s okay, to keep practising, sometimes there are things we are not able to do but sometimes we can do things that other cant. Economic, social, cultur al and environmental. Family environment and backgroundBullying: if a child is being bullied or discriminated against then it will lower their self-esteem, they won’t want to socialise and make friends and they will withdraw themselves from groups which will not benefit their development because they won’t have a ‘can do’ attitude towards learning and trying new things. Adult expectations: if the child is expected highly of then it could end in the child being well developed or the child not managing the pressure and struggling to manage their feelings and behaviour. If the adults expectations are reasonable to the child then they should develop at their own rate.Education: The potential effects of pre conceptual, pre-birth and birth experiences on development The impact of current research into the development and learning of babies and young children: How learning takes place in different ways: The Importance of play in children’s development; Phy sical Development Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills to include development of locomotion, balance and co-ordination 0 – 3 YEARS| 4 – 7 YEARS| 8 -12 YEARS| 13 – 19 YEARSOnset of Puberty and adolescence| Activities to promote development:|

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