Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lab 2 Biology

Mitosis Hands-On Labs, Inc. Version 42-0091-00-01 Lab Report Assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Mitosis Worksheet – Answer the questions about the photos below: Onion root tip photos at 600x and 1000x taken by Stan Carpenter of Hands-On Labs, Inc. 1. What phase is this cell undergoing? Telophase 2. What happens after this phase? Cytokinesis 1. The two center side-by-side cells are undergoing two different phases of mitosis. a. What are these phases? Prophase & Metaphase b. What diagnostic features can help you with your decision? The cell under going prophase is starting to lose it’s envelope yet the cell is still very much intact.General Biology Ii Study Guide (Online Class) The cell under going metaphase has spindle fibers all around the cell suggesting its in the metaphase stage of mitosis. 1. What phase is this cell undergoing? Anaphase 2. How can you tell? The chromosomes are separated yet not completely in two yet. 1. This cell has clearly visible chromatids. a. What's the next phase this cell will undergo? Tellophase b. Where will the chromatids go in the coming phase? Half the chromosomes go into one cell and half in the other 1. The cell in the lower center is exhibiting signs of what phase of mitosis? Prophase 2. What phase does it appear the cell above is undergoing? Anaphase 1. Explain what happens during anaphase. The spindle fibers begin to split the chromatids in two. Equal halves of the chromosomes are the result 2. When the chromatids separate, what is each called? Chromosomes Questions A. What is the purpose of mitosis? Produces the cells in the body as well as DNA. B. Why is the cell cycle important for organisms? The reproduction of cells is essential to the healing of wounds and natural development. C. What role does mitosis play in the growth of an embryo? Mitosis creates the embryo. The constant replication of DNA is needed to develop the embryo and it genes. D. What is one main difference in the mitotic processes between plant and animal cells? The main difference is seen in the cytokenisis stage of development. An animal cell will pinch into to form the daughter cells while a plant cell will form a new cell wall to divide the two. E. If the cell that has undergone mitosis originally had the diploid (2n) number of chromosomes, then what number of chromosomes will the nuclei in the two new cells have? 2n F. Can mitosis ever be used for reproduction? Yes in asexual reproduction G. What parts of plants are most impacted by mitosis? Apical meristem H. Why might mitosis be easier to study in the tip of the root? Because that is the area that is most affected during mitosis I. Where else in a plant might you find a large amount of mitotic cell division occurring? J. How might the mitotic index be applied in agriculture? K. What did you compute to be the mitotic index of the combined six slides (assume there are 54 total cells)? In comparison to the indexes reflected in Figure 8, from approximately which area of a root was the sample taken?

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