Monday, December 30, 2019

Fast Food Case Study - 1039 Words

Fast Food restaurants have been around for many years and have developed over the time to meet consumer’s needs. The basic fundamentals of fast food have not changed; deliver food to customers as fast as possible. Eating fast food is something that I have not done in over four years. I decided to take a friend of mine to help me evaluate Burger King and McDonalds. Both of these restaurants are similar in many ways but also have many differences when it comes to taking orders. The production process of both restaurants is very different because of this the results are very different and customer satisfaction is affected. Customer expectations are the same of both restaurants but both have different ending results because of the service that†¦show more content†¦All hamburgers are put together after a customer puts their order in. At McDonalds a customer order their food at a register and while the customer waits there the same employee puts the order together. When the store is busy this causes lines to get backed up, also if a customer needs a re-fill they must have an employee do it unlike Burger King. Customer and employee satisfaction can make or break any company. If things are done correctly the first time, it will save customer irritation, taking care of the customer is important. Both establishments should give employees the power to do whatever it takes to make customers happy. The biggest recommendation I could give is to McDonalds environment. The environment was load as employees were yelling back and forth while the seating area was dull and noisy. Burger King has music playing in the seating area which believe it or not cuts down on the noise. In conclusion, both establishments have been around for decades are the two top most successful fast food chains in the world. The food may be similar but the production, service and atmosphere is very different. Customer exceptions of both Burger King and McDonalds are the same but after a visit from both customer will have a different feeling of satisfaction. Burger King is works more towards customer satisfaction as they make every order after the customer orders it and they ensure the order is correct by giving each customer a receipt before the food isShow MoreRelatedFast Food Case Study Iscom/471 Essay938 Words   |  4 PagesFast Food Case Study Burger King and McDonalds’ are two different fast food restaurants that both serve hamburger and fries, in a fast and friendly environment that is affordable. McDonalds, serves the notorious quarter pounder, while Burger Kings claim to fame is the charbroiled Whopper, both of which will be compared. The customer expectations, process of production, and the effectiveness are the factors in which separate these two, and recommendations after the case study will be prepared. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Non Intrusive Treatment For Medical Science - 1289 Words

Science (BS) Pre-Dental A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for acknowledgment into dental school. Educational programs offers histology and embryology, essentials for some dental projects. Science (BS) Pre-Medical A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, is a very aggressive and organized system that gets ready understudies for admission to medicinal school. Science (BS) Pre-Optometry A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for admission to Optometry Graduate Programs. Science (BS) Pre-Pharmacy A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for admission to Pharmacy Graduate Programs. Science (BS) Pre-Physical Therapy Prepare for admission to a Physical Therapy Graduate Program by getting a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Non-intrusive treatment is a social insurance calling that cultivates ideal wellbeing and useful capacities for individuals with musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, or neurologic dysfunctions. Science (BS) Pre-Physician Assistant Prepare for passage into a Physician Assistant Graduate Program by getting a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Doctor associates are board guaranteed and authorized medicinal services experts who partake during the time spent clinical basic leadership, finding, and remedialShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of The Traumatic Event ( Ptsd )1629 Words   |  7 Pageshonorably discharged from the US military after having a near death experience (i.e., being shot and injured) during his service in the War in Iraq (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder—PTSD Criteria A1). 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He is also a founding member of the Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group, an international research group devoted to the study of the cognitive aspects of OCD, and the past Associate Editor of Cognitive Therapy and Research. vi Preface Preface The cognitive-behavioral perspective is a relatively new development in the theory and treatment of obsessive–compulsive disorders (OCD). The possibility that

Friday, December 13, 2019

Who Fired at Lexington and Concord Free Essays

Who Fired At Lexington? Who fired first at Lexington? This question seems to remain a mystery until now, but after much research, and answer has been decided. After scouring through many affidavits, maps, paintings, and such, I have learned that the most logical answer is that the King’s troops, or the British, were the ones who opened fire unto the colonial troops. There is credible testimony as well as a piece of art that leads to this conclusion. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Fired at Lexington and Concord or any similar topic only for you Order Now To begin with, there are two witnesses to the Battle at Lexington and Concord that openly admit to the British being the ones to first open fire. John Parker, the commander of the militia in Lexington, accounts that upon hearing that the British troops were approaching he gave orders to his men to â€Å"disperse and not to fire†. He then also recalls that his men were rushed by the British troops who opened fire and killed eight of their party without receiving any provoking from the militia in Lexington. Another man, Simon Winship gives account of his experience on the night of the Battle at Lexington and Concord. He states that he was riding his horse on the public road in Lexington, unarmed, when he was approached by the British troops and ordered to dismount his horse. When he asked why, he was removed from his horse by force from the British commanders. The commanding men ordered Winship to march with the troops. He refused, but somehow ended up marching with them for half of a quarter of a mile. The troops were told to halt, prime and load their weapons. The troops then marched on until they came into contact with Captain Parker’s militia. He then recounts that an officer at the head of the said British troops, â€Å"flourished his sword, and with a loud voice, giving the word fire, fire, which was instantly followed by a discharge of arms from said troops†. Winship accounts that he is positive that there was no discharge of arms from either side until the word fire was given by the said officer. A painting also gave credible representation of the events that occurred that night. The painting clearly displays the King’s regiment, marching into the space that was occupied by the colonists. The Colonial troops, dispersed and held their ground without provoking the red coats to attack. The commander of the British troops, is shown atop his horse waving his sword in the air as to commence the attack on the Colonial troops. It is obvious as demonstrated by the evidence, that the King’s troops were the offending party which opened fire on the Colonial troops. Even though there was testimony accounting that the Colonial troops were the ones to open fire, they were discounted as credible due to their biased position. How to cite Who Fired at Lexington and Concord, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Condensed Reality Study of Material Culture

Question: Discuss about the Condensed Reality for Study of Material Culture. Answer: Introduction: The Morobe show has it history from 1959. The show has grown for the past two decade to reach attendance of more than 100000people. It has also earned a financial success for years as the show became commercialized with increased number of sponsors. Number of events in the show has increased over the years that have made it interesting and attracting more and more tourists. In the past two decades, M. Quinn ML and P. Franklin have been the presidents of the show taking 22 years and to present respectively (Sykes, Kamene, 2001). The Morobe show has for the years conserved the traditions and cultures of Papua New Guinea. The event that started with few events majorly on agriculture has incorporated other event that has enriched the show. The transaction in leadership and creation of life president has seen continuity of the society culture of being conservative. The Morobe show had the best financial results in the year 1997. This was as a result of upgrading fencing and ticket selling. It was also enhanced with entertainment and displays. It is during this time that the show had introduced Ferris wheel that contributed to more attraction. In 2000, the show introduced Morobe show Queen (Rannells Mimi, 2005). This was contest to promote New Guinea Culture. However, the show has been canceled once in the past 20years due to 2009 cholera outbreak. The show was also adversely affected by New York booming in 2001. The show also gets affected by adverse weather leading to low financial returns. The Show has for years relied on sponsorship from both national and international companies. The show experienced it highest level of sponsorship in 2007. These sponsors included Coca Cola, Trukai Industries and Ramu Agri-industries (Bourke, Harwood, 2009). Analysis of the Event The Morobe Show is the biggest and most famous every year event in Papua New Guinea. The show was started in 1959 and 2016 marked their 55th Show in Lae Showground (Keurs, 2006). The event president is P. Franklin MBE how has held the position for the past two years. The Morobe Show is held in Lae Showground. The show has over the years evolved to attract the international community making it a financial success event for sponsors as a result of commercialization and popularity. The event is held on October weekend close to the moon. The main showcases are agriculture, commercial and culture. The show has attractive entertainment in fairground rides, daredevil bike ride and traditional dances. The show is organized and coordinated by Morobe Province Agricultural Society. The Show website is The Morobe show is sponsored by Grand Champion, Coca Cola Amatil, Blue Ribbon, Trukai and Ramu industries. These sponsors contributed K50000 for the Morobe event 2016. Growth of Morobe Show The event has grown for years with attendance reaching to an average of 100000people in the past five years. The show increased participates to more than 1000 in the past on decade with improved quality. There has been an also increased group as from 2007 that have attracted more tourists in the event. They stand at 58 representing the top performing groups in PNG and Australia. The number of events has also increased with entertainment taking a central part in the Show. Several games have been introduced and enhanced to increase participation and entertainment to the show. The number of sponsors in the event has increased to take advantage of the growing event that has become popular in the country (Prideaux et al, 2006). This has led to companies operating in PNG promoting their products in the event and recording good results. Marketing of Morobe Show The event has been marketed in different websites to persuade and inform attendance of the Show. The organization has majorly invested in internet marketing to reach a large audience both locally and internationally. Morobe Show uses Trans Niugini Tours and Papua New Guinea Travels. The websites used for marketing are updated with detailed information about the event that creates expectations to the potential attendance. These websites are touring websites that visited my tourists visiting PNG. Since these websites are mostly visited by tourist providing them with information on the upcoming interesting events in the province enables them to schedule visit to the show. This helps the tourist to easily access information and they are facilitated to attend the event by the touring companies. These touring websites are integrated to offer full hospitality to tourist enabling them to move around and have the best visits in the country (Keurs, 2006). The marketing strategy exercised by Mo robe Show is appropriate for the event because it connects the tourists to the event. The websites offer a worldwide advertisement of the event reaching more audience around the world. This encourages both international audiences and participants to the event. From this marketing of Morobe Show, it recommendable that the organizers of the event prepare a video advertisement to be displayed in these websites instead of just words. This is because videos showing past event are more likely to create anxious to attend the event than reading. The marketers of the show should also consider extending marketing in the catering websites. These catering websites are also highly attended by tourist and engagement in a cultural event would create an admirable associate. Competitors Papua New Guinea is rich in culture and has several events running in the country throughout the year. These events include the following; Mt Hagen Cultural Sow that is to be held in Mt Hagen, Morobe Yam Festival to be held in Lae and Zumin pottery Exhibitions also in Lae (May, 2004). These events are schedules to reoccur every year though different dates with Morobe Show. These competitors are different from Morobe Show because they have specialized in different set of events. For instance, Mt Hagen Cultural Show has in depth cultural showcase that bring together different tribal participants in the region creating a large number of following. These competing events compete for attendance that earns return to sponsors and organizers. However, Morobe Show is rated as the best among the showcase events in PNG for it different events taking place simultaneously and popularity among PNG and Australia. Event Lifecycle of Morobe Show The Morobe Show is a recurring event that happens every year. The event is in the maturity stage citing it development for the past one decade. The Morobe show has been on an upward graph for the past two decades will increase events and attendances. The Show reached its peak on 2008 with 105000 people that have later stagnated at 100000 people with little variation. It therefore the job of the organizers of Morobe Show to keep the event attracting more and more attendances to maintain an upward graph. According to event lifecycle, the Morobe Show is at the peak with large participants and attendances. The growth of attendance is at a slow rate as compared to two decades ago (Mckinnon et al, 2008). This stage in the event lifecycle indicate that if the does not enhance it marketing strategies it can start declining in terms of events and attendances. Therefore, the organizers should strategize on meeting standards and making the show more interesting by adding events and marketing wi dely to receive more attendances. Recommendation to Coca Cola Company Coca cola has sponsored Morobe Show since 2007. The Coca cola Company made K60000 to the event facilitating the event to greater height. It is from these facilitations that the event has been able to reach more potential attendances resulting to an increase by 8% in 2008 Show (Stanley, 2007). The Show has in the recent past attained recognition in PNG and Australia making it a good avenue for product promotion. Since the show is associated with promotions, it recommendable for Coca Cola company to continue and increase its sponsorship in the event. Also, the event is continuously attaining popularity in the international society thereby creating room for more audience. Therefore, sponsorship of Coke Company to Morobe Show will assist the company to promote it brand in PNG. Conclusion From the discussion in this report, it clear that the event under study is most famous in PNG and is gaining popularity with time. The Morobe Show has evolved to be an attractive event for both local and international society. In the recent decade, the event has also been commercialize and grown to be popularized as a promotion avenue. It is therefore recommendable for companies wishing to promote their brand or product to sponsor the event for there is prospects for return due to large following of the event. References Bourke, R. M., Harwood, T. A. (2009). Food And Agriculture In Papua New Guinea. Canberra, A.C.T., Anu E Press. Http://Press.Anu.Edu.Au?P=53311. Keurs, P. T. (2006). Condensed Reality: A Study Of Material Culture ; Case Studies From Siassi (Papua New Guinea) And Enggano (Indonesia). Leiden, Cnws Publications. Mckinnon, R., Carillet, J.-B., Starnes, D. (2008). Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands. Footscray, Vic, Lonely Planet. May, R. J. (2004). State And Society In Papua New Guinea: The First Twenty-Five Years. Canberra, Act, Australian National University E Press. Prideaux, B., Moscardo, G., Laws, E. (2006). Managing Tourism And Hospitality Services: Theory And International Applications. Wallingford, Cabi. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1079/9781845930127.0000. Rannells, J., Matatier, E., Mimi, K. (2005). Png Fact Book: A One Volume Encyclopedia Of Papua New Guinea. South Melbourne, Vic, Oxford Univ. Press. Stanley, N. (2007). The Future Of Indigenous Museums: Perspectives From The Southwest Pacific. New York, Berghahn Books. Sykes, K., Simet, J., Kamene, S. (2001). Culture And Cultural Property In The New Guinea Islands Region: Seven Case Studies. New Delhi, Ubspd.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students

The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay In Master Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero really is has been a subject of debate for a great number years. Creon does possess some of the qualities that constitute a tragic hero but unfortunately does not completely fit into the role. Antigone, however, possesses all the aspects of a tragic hero. These are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Antigone possesses all of these traits therefore qualifying as the tragic hero. We will write a custom essay on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone is of a high social standing in Thebes. Creon himself refers to her as a princess though she is technically no longer one. Because of her high standing she is capable of great suffering, in that she has a lot of fame and regard to lose. Those who say Creon is the tragic hero state say that Antigone is no longer in a high position in the society, therefore does not qualify on that account. If the character had needed to be in a high political position this would be true, but they need only have a great deal to lose in their downfall. Although she may no longer hold political power Antigone is still a powerful figure in Thebes, since she was to be married to Creons son Haemon and the whole city seemed to know how tragic her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the tragic hero if the only requirement was not being overly good or bad. Creon shows his negative side when he refuses to bury Polyneices and when he speaks to the sentry. His positive side is shown in his obvious affection for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has attempted to raise since their fathers death. Antigones ungodly side is shown by her incestuous behavior with her brother Polyneices. Her positive side is shown by the way the she insists on respecting his right to be buried in the religious tradition of Greece so that his soul may live on in the afterlife. Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them. Antigones flaw is her rash and headstrong behavior. This is the source of the conflict in the play. Had Antigone asked Creon for permission to bury Polyneices in observance of the Greek role in religious life he would have probably allowed it. Instead, she rashly decided to take matters into her own hands, most likely because of her anger in losing the true love of her life. This aspect also emerges later in the play, when Antigone decides to kill herself in the cave rather than give Creon the satisfaction of the deed. Had she not been so imprudently hasty she would have been spared her life by Creon, who was on his way to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a proper burial. Creon does not have a tenacious nature, and therefore could not be the Aristotelian tragic hero. His ineptness as a ruler is prevalent in the way he wavers on the topic of Polyneices burial. In the beginning he seems very stubborn, which some say is one of the fatal flaws that qualify him as a tragic hero, but later changes his mind. The true tragic hero would stick to their fatal flaw, like Antigone did, until their complete demise. .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .postImageUrl , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:visited , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:active { border:0!important; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:active , .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761 .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf067727017770d37a04cb32fde209761:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Making Fun of Optimism Religion and Greed EssayAs far as the issue of arising pity in the audience and in other characters, it is clear that Antigone clearly wins over Creon in the arena of intensity of emotion. All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone, especially after she has been sentenced to death. Haemon himself tells his father And I have heard them, muttering and whisperingThey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act. It is obvious that she had the pity of the entire city except for Creon. Creon, however, is . The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone In Master Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero really is has been a subject of debate for a great number years. Creon does possess some of the qualities that constitute a tragic hero but unfortunately does not completely fit into the role. We will write a custom essay on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Antigone, however, possesses all the aspects of a tragic hero. These are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Antigone possesses all of these traits therefore qualifying as the tragic hero. The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone is of a high social standing in Thebes. Creon himself refers to her as a princess though she is technically no longer one. Because of her high standing she is capable of great suffering, in that she has a lot of fame and regard to lose. Those who say Creon is the tragic hero state say that Antigone is no longer in a high position in the society, therefore does not qualify on that account. If the character had needed to be in a high political position this would be true, but they need only have a great deal to lose in their downfall. Although she may no longer hold political power Antigone is still a powerful figure in Thebes, since she was to be married to Creons son Haemon and the whole city seemed to know how tragic her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the tragic hero if the only requirement was not being overly good or bad. Creon shows his negative side when he refuses to bury Polyneices and when he speaks to the sentry. His positive side is shown in his obvious affection for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has attempted to raise since their fathers death. Antigones ungodly side is shown by her incestuous behavior with her brother Polyneices. Her positive side is shown by the way the she insists on respecting his right to be buried in the religious tradition of Greece so that his soul may live on in the afterlife. Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them. Antigones flaw is her rash and headstrong behavior. This is the source of the conflict in the play. Had Antigone asked Creon for permission to bury Polyneices in observance of the Greek role in religious life he would have probably allowed it. Instead, she rashly decided to take matters into her own hands, most likely because of her anger in losing the true love of her life. This aspect also emerges later in the play, when Antigone decides to kill herself in the cave rather than give Creon the satisfaction of the deed. Had she not been so imprudently hasty she would have been spared her life by Creon, who was on his way to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a proper burial. Creon does not have a tenacious nature, and therefore could not be the Aristotelian tragic hero. His ineptness as a ruler is prevalent in the way he wavers on the topic of Polyneices burial. In the beginning he seems very stubborn, which some say is one of the fatal flaws that qualify him as a tragic hero, but later changes his mind. The true tragic hero would stick to their fatal flaw, like Antigone did, until their complete demise. .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .postImageUrl , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:hover , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:visited , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:active { border:0!important; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:active , .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993 .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc52b6449fda78cb7656ad34a7600993:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Albert Einstein Essay About Birth ControlAs far as the issue of arising pity in the audience and in other characters, it is clear that Antigone clearly wins over Creon in the arena of intensity of emotion. All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone, especially after she has been sentenced to death. Haemon himself tells his father And I have heard them, muttering and whisperingThey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act. It is obvious that she had the pity of the entire city except for Creon. Creon, however, is not sympathized with at all except for the chorus, which always agrees with the last point of view presented. Some readers may be inclined to side with him, but the entire city is opposed to him during the play disqualifying him as the tragic hero. Another issue that has been brought up in the . The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay In Master Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero really is has been a subject of debate for a great number years. Creon does possess some of the qualities that constitute a tragic hero but unfortunately does not completely fit into the role. Antigone, however, possesses all the aspects of a tragic hero. These are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Antigone possesses all of these traits therefore qualifying as the tragic hero. We will write a custom essay on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone is of a high social standing in Thebes. Creon himself refers to her as a princess though she is technically no longer one. Because of her high standing she is capable of great suffering, in that she has a lot of fame and regard to lose. Those who say Creon is the tragic hero state say that Antigone is no longer in a high position in the society, therefore does not qualify on that account. If the character had needed to be in a high political position this would be true, but they need only have a great deal to lose in their downfall. Although she may no longer hold political power Antigone is still a powerful figure in Thebes, since she was to be married to Creons son Haemon and the whole city seemed to know how tragic her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the tragic hero if the only requirement was not being overly good or bad. Creon shows his negative side when he refuses to bury Polyneices and when he speaks to the sentry. His positive side is shown in his obvious affection for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has attempted to raise since their fathers death. Antigones ungodly side is shown by her incestuous behavior with her brother Polyneices. Her positive side is shown by the way the she insists on respecting his right to be buried in the religious tradition of Greece so that his soul may live on in the afterlife.Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them. Antigones flaw is her rash and headstrong behavior. This is the source of the conflict in the play. Had Antigone asked Creon for permission to bury Polyneices in observance of the Greek role in religious life he would have probably allowed it. Instead, she rashly decided to take matters into her own hands, most likely because of her anger in losing the true love of her life. This aspect also emerges later in the play, when Antigone decides to kill herself in the cave rather than give Creon the satisfaction of the deed. Had she not been so imprudently hasty she would have been spared her life by Creon, who was on his way to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a proper burial. Creon does not have a tenacious nature, and therefore could not be the Aristotelian tragic hero. His ineptness as a ruler is prevalent in the way he wavers on the topic of Polyneices burial. In the beginning he seems very stubborn, which some say is one of the fatal flaws that qualify him as a tragic hero, but later changes his mind. The true tragic hero would stick to their fatal flaw, like Antigone did, until their complete demise. As far as the issue of arising pity in the audience and in other characters, it is clear that Antigone clearly wins over Creon in the arena of intensity of emotion. All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone, especially after she has been sentenced to death. .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .postImageUrl , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:hover , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:visited , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:active { border:0!important; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:active , .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubf0c8a7538121f955cfa46be90f58eeb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mark Twain Writings Essay Haemon himself tells his father And I have heard them, muttering and whisperingThey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act. It is obvious that she had the pity of the entire city except for Creon. Creon, however, is . The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone Essay Antigone, is the drama written by Sohpocles. There is still a great debate on who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles Antigone, Creon or Antigone. Many people believes that it must be Antigone, herself. This is because Antigone is an outstanding example of someone who did what she thought was right, while she was among fools, many hardships, and people who were discouragingly uncourageous. When the king Creon ordered that the body of Polyneices, Antigones brother, be left to rot unburied because he had died as a traitor, she tried to buried him even she knew that she would be punished. We will write a custom essay on The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles Antigone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now She believed that a dead persons soul could not rest if that persons body was not buried so she chooses to challenge a powerful Creon, the king of Thebes in order to let her brother rest peacefully. This presents a huge problem for Antigone; she feels she must obey the laws of the gods and bury her brother, but the penalty would be earthly death. To me, Antigone is a hero, what she did for her brother was very respectful, not many could have the strength to do so in the same situation. However, I believe the true tragic hero in Sophocles Antigone is Creon, not Antigone. Creon, as king of Thebes, is at the top of the social ladder. Yet, not only is he king, he is also human and possesses frailties, which qualify him to make serious mistakes, and he possesses talents, which allow him also to excel. Hence, Creon is neither overly good nor bad. Appropriately, Creons station as king place shim in a position of great power, influence and responsibility. The extent of this power was quite evident when he sentenced Antigone to death for disobeying his proclamation. Creons tragic flaw was his hubris or his pride and arrogance in the face of divine powers. His downfall began when he denied the basic divine right of burial to Polyneices and was cemented when he condemned Antigone for her opposition to his law. When one closely examines Antigones reasons for burying her brother, it becomes clear that she was simply demonstrating her love, honor, and loyalty to her family. However, the reason that Creon is angered is that he feels injured and insulted that Antigone flagrantly and publicly disobeyed him. He was additionally inflamed that she was his niece and betrothed to his son, Haemon. Historically, when especially a woman threatens a mans authority,, his self-esteem is irreparably damaged. But he tired to fix the mistakes that he had made even he is a great king. The whole play is sad, it is make viewers feel anger and respectful. I do respect Antigone, but personally I respect Croen more since he is the king. With his such high position, he could still responsibly for his wrong actions. Bibliography: . The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone Essay Example For Students The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone Essay In Master Sophocles Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero really is has been a subject of debate for a great number years. Creon does possess some of the qualities that constitute a tragic hero but unfortunately does not completely fit into the role. Antigone, however, possesses all the aspects of a tragic hero. These are, in no particular order, having a high social position, not being overly good or bad, being tenacious in their actions, arousing pity in the audience, a revelatory manifestation, and having a single flaw that brings about their own demise and the demise of others around them. Antigone possesses all of these traits therefore qualifying as the tragic hero. We will write a custom essay on The True Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first qualifying aspect is that Antigone is of a high social standing in Thebes. Creon himself refers to her as a princess though she is technically no longer one. Because of her high standing she is capable of great suffering, in that she has a lot of fame and regard to lose. Those who say Creon is the tragic hero state say that Antigone is no longer in a high position in the society, therefore does not qualify on that account. If the character had needed to be in a high political position this would be true, but they need only have a great deal to lose in their downfall. Although she may no longer hold political power Antigone is still a powerful figure in Thebes, since she was to be married to Creons son Haemon and the whole city seemed to know how tragic her life had become. Antigone and Creon would qualify as the tragic hero if the only requirement was not being overly good or bad. Creon shows his negative side when he refuses to bury Polyneices and when he speaks to the sentry. His positive side is shown in his obvious affection for Antigone and Ismene, whom he has attempted to raise since their fathers death. Antigones ungodly side is shown by her incestuous behavior with her brother Polyneices. Her positive side is shown by the way the she insists on respecting his right to be buried in the religious tradition of Greece so that his soul may live on in the afterlife.Another aspect of a tragic hero is an unwavering course of action, most likely caused by their flaw, that brings about their demise and the demise of those around them. Antigones flaw is her rash and headstrong behavior. This is the source of the conflict in the play. Had Antigone asked Creon for permission to bury Polyneices in observance of the Greek role in religious life he would have probably allowed it. Instead, she rashly decided to take matters into her own hands, most likely because of her anger in losing the true love of her life. This aspect also emerges later in the play, when Antigone decides to kill herself in the cave rather than give Creon the satisfaction of the deed. Had she not been so imprudently hasty she would have been spared her life by Creon, who was on his way to free Antigone and have Polyneices given a proper burial. Creon does not have a tenacious nature, and therefore could not be the Aristotelian tragic hero. His ineptness as a ruler is prevalent in the way he wavers on the topic of Polyneices burial. In the beginning he seems very stubborn, which some say is one of the fatal flaws that qualify him as a tragic hero, but later changes his mind. The true tragic hero would stick to their fatal flaw, like Antigone did, until their complete demise. As far as the issue of arising pity in the audience and in other characters, it is clear that Antigone clearly wins over Creon in the arena of intensity of emotion. All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone, especially after she has been sentenced to death. .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .postImageUrl , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:hover , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:visited , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:active { border:0!important; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:active , .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u161ba4f955c677759732215b82d2daaf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Emily Dickinson Essay Introduction Haemon himself tells his father And I have heard them, muttering and whisperingThey say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act. It is obvious that she had the pity of the entire city except for Creon. Creon, however, is .

Monday, November 25, 2019

Nature of the sales environment. Essay Example

Nature of the sales environment. Essay Example Nature of the sales environment. Paper Nature of the sales environment. Paper For example, a swimmer has to do practice regularly for hours in order to keep them fit for competitions. Even though the swimmer has succeeded in number of competition he has to work out regularly, everyday in order to defend his position at the highest level. During his training swimmer should focus on the mistakes which had made in the past competitions, also should train and prepare himself in such a way that shouldnt repeat the same mistakes in future. There is an analogy between the competitive sports and salesmanship. As like in sports salesperson has to master the art of selling he products of the enterprise to the customers. The sales person himself should learn the fundamentals of selling and master them in order to get best results. The nature of sales personality depends on certain extent on heredity and environment. An intelligent salesman would combine the study and actual practice of the fundamentals by analysis. (Management-hub, 201 2) Many studies have been conducted on understanding the customer and uncovering why some sales seem so easy and others seem almost impossible, even when the salesperson is using the same technique. In fact, he correct environment for customers to purchase and have business dealings with companies is a science. There are many rules and verifiable factors that can either increase or decrease the likelihood of making a sale. To understand the findings of these studies, everyone need to examine the common points listed below. (Sale Creators, 2007) 1. Leave the customer in their comfort zone. 2. Let the customer see you want to help and serve. 3. Do not feel hurried or pressured. 4. Do not hurry or pressure your customer. 5. Have effective human relations communications skills. . Have the sales environment maintained, clean and uncluttered. To increase a buyers receptiveness, a business has to take the findings of the points above and replace or correct any area that might be a concern for their customer. Every customer has anxieties when they meet a new person for the first time, or when they are in a new environment like a shop or store. This anxiety comes from the always present unknowns with a new encounter. A lot Of people have similar thought of or expressed these statements at one time in their lives. This is what defines their comfort zones. When comfort ones are challenged to expand humans often fight the process. Many times nobody do not want to change from what is comfortable. The removal of any of these buying anxieties creates a more positive sales environment. (Sale Creators, 2007) Pete Keno says: that generally in the business, it is necessary to find efficient methods of changing the sales environment. This might be necessary while the company evaluates it profitability during a sales year and finds they have experienced a loss. Transforming the sales environment will be no easy job for a company, however management can achieve this through utilizing the eve major factors of sales success. It is essential that every sales staff, including the managers, are trained in 5 features of sales strategies; defining the sales campaign, sales motivation, sales presentation, sales methodologies, and sales leadership skills. These five vital elements of sales techniques will arm your company with a successful sales team, the backbone of a companys overall profitability and long-term viability. Sales Success, 201 2) The first sale success will need in changing the sales environment is defining the sales operation. This begins with knowing targets Of client including demographic factors like age, educational background, earnings level, geographic location, and ethnicity. By knowing whom to go after with a product or service, available efficiently develop the companys sales presentation. A sales team needs the proper amoun t of time to prepare an effective sales technique when making the presentation. This consists of correct training in the next part of the five armor elements of sales success, sales methodologies. Provide the workers proper training including online programs and in-house training so people would be ready to stay updated tit modern sales presentation trends. Giving the sales team the required training would assist to stay motivated to do the best possible job in their sales efforts for any company. When the success of the company relies upon changing the sales environment, equip your sales team with the very best tools offered by training them sales techniques. Sales Success, 201 2) As was discussed, role of selling plays an important thing for any business, but for example, international selling for economic survival of every country, because it permits to have the balance between their export earnings and import expenditure also known as the balance of payments. (Jobber and Lancaster, 1997) Economy Watch news wrote out: that the UK is the 7th leading importer a nd the 1 lath leading exporter in the world. Accordingly, the UK holds a massive trade deficit with the rest of the world, second only to the US. In 201 0, UK imports were worth US 546. 5 billion dollar with exports valued at only LOSSES. 6 billion dollar. Despite recent attempts by the government to reduce the trade deficit, the latest data from Auks Office of National Statistics points to an ever-widening trade gap. Since the beginning of 2011 , Auks monthly trade deficit has hit record levels of more than E billion per month. The monthly deficit in the Suffer 2011 is also exceeding the previous record level of E. 5 billion per month reached in 2007. The increase in Auks budget deficit has also affected Auks trade deficit. Therefore, the Auks austerity plan to cut down public spending is necessary in order to reduce the trade deficit as well. So here is seen how necessarily international sales for UK in a whole. (Economy Watch, 201 2) Importing is when an individual or cuisines brings goods or services into the UK from another country. Careful consideration as to the practicalities needs to be given if intend to imports goods; this may include how to get the goods into the country, as well as the legal requirements. Under UK law, a number of legal responsibilities are imposed on a company, if wish to import goods in the ASK. One of the first and probably most important duties being that will have to check if the Department for Business, Innovation Skills (IBIS) requires business to have a license. (Inbreed, 2012) By the way selling overseas is different compared to he domestic market, it however, provides individual firms with a number of benefits. As access to international markets becomes easier and more companies enter those markets, the competition between companies becomes harder, no matter which industry they Operate in. Donaldson (2006) notes that even if the company does not do business abroad it is more likely to face competition from foreign firms in their home market, therefore by deciding to sell abroad it becomes more competitive and less vulnerable to economic crises. Other benefits are the opportunity for companies to achieve cost savings through increased economies of scale, as well as greater sales and faster growth due to demand in other markets which in turn can compensate the loss in the domestic market. All these is now possible due to technology which allows firms to control and coordinate operations globally because through the invention of internet and telecommunication the interaction with external customers and suppliers became much quicker and easier. Another important factor is Language because the first challenge when dealing with international markets is to overcome the language barrier. It is especially crucial in direct selling. Good knowledge of the another language will make sales easier and can make a dramatic difference because the salesperson has greater access to a local society and no interpreter is required. Companies usually translating theirs product advertising in local language, for example, umbra the ILK sports manufacturer had to withdraw a whole range of trainers called Gallon, after a number of complains from individuals and other organizations regarding its name. This is because Gallon was the name of the gas used to murder millions of Jews in concentration camps. This problem exists in any foreign company not only for UK firms; Chevrolet Nova also suffered poor sales in Latin America because No VA in Spanish translated as does not go . Honda introduced their new car Fiat into Nordic countries in 2001. Fifthly had taken the time to undertake some cross cultural marketing research they may have discovered that fit was an old word used in vulgar language in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. In the end they renamed it Honda Jazz. The Swedish furniture giant KEA somehow agreed upon the name fretful for one of its new desks. All these examples show that the companies were not fully aware of the translation and meaning of their brand names implied in the native languages of the markets they were dealing with, which proves and study of the language would have saved them a lot of money. Quintessential, 2010) This proves that differences in culture creates some ethical dilemmas or misbehaver and in order to overcome potential pitfalls the companies should refer to the help of specialists such as a cross cultural consultant, who would examine words, images, pictures, and colors to ensure that they fit well with the targeted market. Also companies must do cross cultural training to equip their r epresentatives with the knowledge of two or three cultures that are likely to be at the table during a negotiation, as well as pay more attention to marketing and advertising requirements in overseas markets. Quintessential, 201 0) Also possible to add that, any material intended for import is sourced consistently with the legal and ethical review requirements in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. When an individual, establishment or organization imports material for research, it is good practice for approval to be obtained room a research ethics authority or the local equivalent in the source country beforehand. Many countries have research ethics arrangements which operate to agreed standards. The ethical review in the source country may, in some cases, be considered to provide suitable assurances for the importing of material into SKI market. Human Tissue Authority, 2012) For example, tobacco manufactures use different pricing depending on the country they import to, in the UK cigarettes are more expensive than in Russia or some European countries, because of the high import tariffs and taxes imposed by he UK government. Political factors can also affect methods of selling that companies choose to distribute their products, Poppy Corporation that used direct selling techniques failed to enter Japan market because this form of selling is considered by the government as a base for criminal activity. In order to comply with Japans regulations Poppy should have changed its business plan to selling its products in retail stores. (Inbreed, 2012) Other difficult area of management is Sales forecasting. Most managers believe they are good at forecasting. However, forecasts made usually turn UT to be wrong. Marketers argue about whether sales forecasting is a science or an art. The short answer is that it is a bit of both. Businesses are forced to look well ahead in order to plan their investments, launch new products, decide when to close or withdraw products and so on. The sales forecasting process is a critical one for most businesses. Key decisions that are derived from a sales forecast include: Employment levels required Promotional mix Investment in production capacity For example, accurately forecasting sales and building a sales plan can help o manage production, staff and financing needs more effectively and possibly avoid unforeseen cash flow problems. While its always wise to expect the unexpected, a well-constructed sales plan, combined with accurate sales forecasting, can allow to spend more time developing business rather than responding to day-to-day developments in sales and marketing. (Tutor to you, 201 2) In conclusion, it is definitely possible to state: that on nature of selling in general affects a lot of important aspects, because with the development of the UK and global market individual companies have been effected in different ways. To avoid any negative impacts, companies should include and underline all arguments which was stated above. The main responsibility of the Sales managers is to meet and interact with a variety of customers including their own employees so as to understand the real needs of customers and devise qualitative and effective plans to meet the requirements of the customers. Some companies were waited success, they discovered new opportunities for expansion and growth, while others faced fierce competition and struggled to overcome the external pressure caused y cultural, ethical, economic, legal and political and other differences.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Geology Of The Area. Sources Of Natural Materials and Construction Essay

Geology Of The Area. Sources Of Natural Materials and Construction Problems - Essay Example It is composed of quartz or feldspar since they are the most common minerals in the earth crust. The colors of sandstone have been identified with several regions because their beds often form very highly visible cliffs. It usually allows water and other fluids to percolate; additionally sandstone is porous enough to store large quantities of fluids, therefore, are valuable aquifers and reservoirs of petroleum. It finds application in house wares and domestic construction. Structurally, they can be fragments of pre existing rock or mono-mineralic crystals. These rocks are very strong especially when mature therefore suitable for construction purposes. Mudstone-according to the map it is elbow-shaped and uniformly distributed in the map. This is a fine grained sedimentary rock. Its original constituents were clays or mud their individual size can only be identified with the help of a microscope. It has no layers due to original texture or disruption of layering by burrowing organisms prior to lithification. It may show crack or fissures depending on how it is formed. According to Dunham (1962), the classification of limestone, a mudstone is a carbonate rock with less than 10% allochens in carbonate mud matrix. Mudstone is a soft rock material therefore is not appropriate for construction purposes. ... It is the hardest rock layer among the three appearing in the map and is used for construction purposes, an aggregate for base of roads, mineral filler passing 0.075mm – 0.425mm of mineral size. It can be used in the manufacture of glass, toothpaste and cement. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS THAT MAY ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION The following are the possible problems that may arise during the highway construction process between points A and B. As stated by Amelin et al. (2002), ‘It is important to consider that if we choose to ignore the surrounding geology in the construction of engineered works, then the surrounding geology will most certainly assert its influence on our engineered structures.’ First the material cut may be less than the required fill. Cut and fill, is a process of constructing a railway, road canal or high way whereby the total material extracted more or less is the same as the quantity of material for fill. Since the cut is less than fill, it would warrant acquiring materials from other sources for example borrow areas, importing from other areas. The material cut may be more than the required fill any excess cut above the fill would warrant an additional transportation cost. Secondly, there may be mobility problems due to the rugged and steep topography of the land which may not favor human and machine movement during the highway construction. This triggers use of special machinery in cutting, filling and compaction processes to achieve the desired objective or shape. The land’s landscape may be too rugged such that it may incur more cost especially when it as to get the materials from other areas. There is difficulty in cutting due to topography of land, stability of slopes and since any

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Strategy - case study of Apple Inc, and Dell Computers

Business Strategy - of Apple Inc, and Dell Computers - Case Study Example Dell Computers and Apple Inc. are two major ICT companies in the world. Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Computers started his business in 1984 by actually peddling his custom built PCs to users who are looking for bottom price PCs. Dell Company, named after the founder, rose to its heights in growth of sales and since then, from 2001 to 2006 led the PC market, getting a 19% share of the worldwide PC market, topping its from closest rival of Hewlett-Packard. (Enclyclopedia of eCommerce.) In late 2006s, Dell lost its lead to HP as sales began to decline and market share became 13.95 as against HPs 17.496 Apple Computer, was formed in 1976, but its name was later changed to Apple Inc. in January 2007. With continued strong sales of the Apple II, and the introduction of the Macintosh, Apple's sales reached new highs and the company had its initial public offering on September 7, 1984. (Associated Content. 2007) The PC industry is very competitive, and some of its closest rivals are Microsoft Corp, Dell Computers and Palm Inc. (Shlinds 2007) During its inception, demand for its products has been stagnant, and this led to the remarks of Dell CEO to say: "That if he ran Apple, he would shut it down and give the money back to its shareholders". [wikipedia] Because of innovations and new products the company introduced to the market, Apple's success has become tremendous. From 2003 to 2006 its stock price had increased to more than tenfold, from the initial offering of $6 to $80, with market capitalization going over Dell Computer. [wikipedia] Strategies utilized Dell Computers. Strategies of the company centered on three golden rules: disdain inventory, always listen to the costumer and never sell indirect (Kotelnikov. Vadim.) * Indirect selling practices thru mail order services limits its inventory, cuttingdown on handling costs. * Retail outlets were discontinued to cut on discount price practices of stores. * Delivering the best possible customer experience. Listening to customers, byintensifying their customer services approaches, putting service sites andmanufacturing plants in strategic places. Trained employees to satisfycustomers demands. Apple strategies. Apple Inc. was always one step ahead of its competitors as the company continued to think of innovative ways, new products and designs for their consumers. Shown below are strategies taken by the company in line with their innovations. 1. After the fall of sales in 1989, apple reinvented its products in 1991 and introduced laptops and PowerBooks models which helped the company regained its market. However, other lines developed were a flop and did not help the company in sales. 2. Allied with other companies to come up with new

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Business Environment of Tesco Plc Case Study

The Business Environment of Tesco Plc - Case Study Example In its website, Tesco Plc clearly identifies its mission by the statement "Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty" (Tesco Plc 2008) This statement is in recognition that the success of the giant retailer is highly dependent on two key identified stakeholders-"the people who shop with us and the people who work with us" (Tesco Plc 2008). Thus, the company also expresses its two core values which are focused on the satisfaction of these two groups of stakeholders. For customers, Tesco maintains that in their stores "No-one tries harder for customers," (Tesco Plc 2008) while for its employees, it stresses that it would "Treat people as we like to be treated" (Tesco Plc 2008). This analysis will focus on three stakeholders of Tesco Plc, two of which are already identified above as its customers and employees. It should be noted that the success of the business organization is dependent on the customers' decision to purchase in the retail store. This in part is attainable only through the direct cooperation and effort of its employees to pursue its overall strategy of providing good products, excellent service, creation of a convenient shopping atmosphere and making shopping as enjoyable as possible. The mission of Tesco to retain loyal people both its customers and employees is created in recognition to this fact. Since the mission statement revolves around customers and employees, the company's values are also geared towards the satisfaction of these stakeholders. Tesco further expounds on how it satisfies its customers by identifying the direct ways on how to boost customer value: "Customers have told us what they want-clear aisles, to be able to get what they want at a good price, no queues and great staff. We call this our Every Little Helps Shopping Trip for customers and use it every day to ensure we are always working hard to make Tesco a better place to shop, at home and abroad" (Tesco Plc 2008). The identification of customers as key stakeholders of Tesco becomes a primary importance when it formulated its values. For its employees, Tesco Plc is committed in making the company a "great place to work" by listening to what its workforce wants: "Our staff have told us what is important to them - to be treated with respect, having a manager who helps them, having an interesting job and an opportunity to get on. Helping achieve what is important to our staff will help us to deliver an Every Little Helps Shopping Trip for our customers" (Tesco Plc 2008). Recognizing that Tesco's customers can be satisfied by its staff, the retailer also focuses on the satisfaction of its people to look after and deliver value to its customers. The four pronged objectives of Tesco Plc together with the identified mission and values altogether work for the maximization of the wealth of its other key stakeholders-its shareholders. Every business organization pursues the same goal and that is to be able to generate a sizable profit for its

Friday, November 15, 2019

Modern History of the Jaipur Textile Handicraft in Asia

Modern History of the Jaipur Textile Handicraft in Asia The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, led one of the significant struggle movements during the Indian struggle of Independence, the Non-Cooperation Movement. Aimed towards resisting the British occupation of the nation, hundreds of men and women rallied together. Following the ways of non-violence or ahimsa, the protestors actually tried to uphold the values of integrity and Indian honor by not buying British goods. Since local handicrafts were dying a slow death due to persistent and forceful import of British factory-made goods, a mass scale protest was organised to save the local artisans and their artwork. The colonial oppression and the anger of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre were the major reasons behind such a mass led movement. India has always been a traditionally agrarian economy. Inspite of lack of insufficient qualitative assessment of those times, there is an estimation that the countrys reap was quite an income. During the pre-colonial period of India, the raw and finished textile handicrafts like calicos, muslin, handcrafted shawls, along with other agricultural products were exported to Europe, South East Asia, and the Middle East in exchange of silver and gold. As the British colonialism started, the bankruptcy of the Indias handicraft industry took place. The Industrial Revolution in Europe and the policies implemented by the Company rule in India deprived India of its profits. After Independence, the textile handicraft industry has been helped to revive by various initiatives by the government. With such measures undertaken, the industry has spread from the rural areas to the urban areas. The textile handicraft business has become a high paying job and a business option for entrepreneurs in India. Especially, the artisans of the weaker section are profited with such a respectable and dignified profession. Talking about the various textile handicraft art forms that are popular are pashmina shawl, paithani saris, gara saris, and banarasi silk saris. Being a highly labor oriented, textile handicraft industry mainly occupies women artisans. Phulkari, block printing, jamawar, block printing, batik, tie and dye, and resist printing are popularly seen artworks on various textile handicrafts. Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan. It is famous for its tourism and world heritage monuments. However, it also attracts tourists and people to its land due to its alluring textile handicrafts. The local artisans also offer colorful textile handicraft fabrics in bright colors with embroidery (zardozi and hand embroidery), prints such as traditional Sanganeri hand block prints, and Bagru prints on traditional dresses such as bandhej, lehriya, pachranga, etc. Ethnic textile handicraft wear such as odhanis, safas, and other dress materials are available in plenty with an amazing play of colors and an exquisite mirrorwork on their surfaces. These actually are an excuse to create a style statement and almost every upscale fashion designer gets inspired with such trendy decorational patterns on their creations. With such a playful experience of patterns, colors and designs with Jaipuri handicraft textiles, you can experience India with a rendezvous with Jaipurs cultural and traditional beliefs that are popular worldwide. The royal Pink City also offers some valuable carpets and rugs. Carpet making has been one of the main occupations in the textile handicraft business of Jaipur. Naming its art form roots since the Mughal era, the skilled carpet artisans are mostly the descendents of the Persian weavers that were brought to India. Since then, the erstwile city rulers have patronized carpet weaving inspired with Persian as well as Turkish motifs and decorations. Some of the carpets and rugs acquired from Jaipur have obtained the title of an antique, possessed. The specialty of such rugs is that they are all hand woven. Hand knotted and hand woven floor coverings have been taken to a next level by Jaipur Rugs Company. The gobally renowned company offers quality and durability along with the traditional and contemporary designs. Being a major exporter of rugs and carpets to most countries in the globe, Jaipur Rugs delivers style with buyer satisfaction. Come to Jaipur and buy these wonderful textile handicraft products at Kishanpol Bazaar, Tripolia Bazaar, Nehru Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar within the walled city. New piece (25 October 2010) After Independence, the textile handicraft industry of India has been revived by various initiatives by the government. With such measures undertaken, the industry has spread from rural to urban areas. The textile handicraft business has become a high paying job and a business option for budding entrepreneurs in India. Especially, the artisans of the weaker section are profited with such a respectable and dignified profession along with many of them setting up small cottage industries together in collaboration. In this direction, the Indian government has set up Khadi Gram Udyog too, to give a boost to various traditional handicrafts of India. The several outlets can be found in many states of India. Especially the khadi cloth and its ready-made garments are popular in the domestic and international bazaar. Jaipurs local artisans offer colorful textile handicraft fabrics in brilliant colors with embroidery (zardozi and hand embroidery), prints and exquisite mirror work that it makes a mini fashion industry of Rajasthans own. Origin of Textile Handicrafts Textiles being a constituent part of any civilization, its origin cannot be marked precisely but started in prehistoric Indian history. Nevertheless, the Hindu civilization being one of the oldest one surviving, its traditional textile forms are very famous worldwide. The state of Rajasthan falls in the Northern region of India. The traditions show an enthralling and colorful culture with awe-inspiring royal architecture as well as textiles. Traditionally, the rich culture and spirit of the Rajasthani native is largely held responsible for the beauty of its cultural attire that is preferred by tourists, home and abroad. Particularly Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan and means truly in terms of the availability of various Rajasthani textile handicrafts. Textile Handicrafts in Jaipur Jaipur being a city of an amalgamation of both modern and traditional provides a unique and stunning assortment of cultural attires of Rajasthan. The various textile arts are Handblock Prints, Tie and Dye, Lehariya Prints. Owing to the vibrant bright colors in the clothes, patterned arts such as Samdar Lehar, Chunari and Bandhej are a favorite amongst women and men both. Through tie and dye, splashes of white around the chosen color of the fabric are obtained as a result. Thereafter, the fabric is beautified more with further embellishments. Traditionally, handblock prints are done extensively with vegetable dyes and wooden carved blocks. However, nowadays, chemical dyes are often used for permanency of the prints on the fabric. The most famous gold-like lacework known as Zari, along with gota, zardozi, etc., seemingly cast a spell on eyes as they simply highlight a simple looking piece of cloth to an attractive one. The skillful hands of the craftsmen ably design eccentrically pretty Lehariyas that means the ripples of a shimmering ocean. Each colorfully wavy lehariya is favored by most of the women during a particular festival in Rajasthan. Batik is the freehand color textile form that generously utilises free imagination and big color palette. All blended with the proficiency of the maker turns it into a stylised form of a cloth piece that actually is a head turner. Famous Screen Printing to provide a different type of textile form that is less time consuming to make. With the kind usage of a variety of bright colors on the cloth, the photosensitivity of the color dyes is credited to create wanted pictures or designs. A textile form reflecting the epic story of Pabuji Par, a fourteenth century Rajasthani legendary figure, also exists. Every traditional native of Rajasthan recites his oral recitations and they proudly portray Pabujis heroism on textile forms. Last but not the least, Jaipurs famous Carpets and Dhurries are also one of the textile forms. The village artisans residing near and beyond Jaipur weave them. Most of them practice carpet weaving as an heirloom business since ages. Their ancestors came from Persia during the rule of Mughal ruler Akbar and settled here. Making of Textile Handicrafts Jaipurs textile forms range from clothes, curtains, table clothes, bags, carpets and many more that are known especially for their rich textures and colors. People find them interesting because of the variety of threads or fibres used to reproduce the legacy that the Rajasthani culture essence contains. With a lot of style and grace, textile forms of Rajasthan very well add a lot of personality with an amazing color palette. The rusticity of the Indian rurality with its creativity is present fully within the designs and patterns. Traditionally, every step is carried on by hands and using herbal colors. However, to meet growing demands, machines are also used often. For example, originally, hand block printing was done making patterns through cut potatoes. Later, the potato pieces replaced with teakwood carved blocks created the same magic called as Sanganeri Prints. Similarly, Bagru Prints show that opulence with the red and black combination. Not-to-miss, carpet making has been one of the main occupations in the textile handicraft business of Jaipur. Patronized carpet weaving inspired with Persian as well as Turkish motifs and decorations can still be seen that are hand woven and hand knotted. Some of the carpets and rugs acquired from Jaipur have obtained the title of an antique, possessed. Salability of Textile Handicrafts With such a playful experience of patterns, colors and designs with Jaipuri handicraft textiles, popular ones are pashmina shawl, paithani saris, gara saris, and banarasi silk saris. Ethnic textile handicraft wear such as odhanis, safas, and other dress materials are available in plenty with an amazing play of colors and an exquisite mirrorwork on their surfaces. These actually are an excuse to create a style statement and almost every upscale fashion designer gets inspired with such trendy decorational patterns on their creations. Come to Jaipur and buy these wonderful textile handicraft products at Kishanpol Bazaar, Tripolia Bazaar, Nehru Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar within the walled city.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Collective Goods Essay -- International Community, The Kyoto Protocol

The international community is made up of many state actors that contribute in some form or other to establish a world that can establish key public goods. When more than one nation is trying to come together to achieve their collective goods, the nation may be confronted with a number of issues. There are times when the countries may need to come together to make decisions in specific topics like global warming, ozone depletion, space exploration amongst many other issues that require group attention (Stiles p269). A collective good does not belong to one specific player, cannot be withheld from a player and can be used by all players. When referring to collective goods there must be an investment or expenses may be accrued in the good by the player(s). The decision that must be made is which player will be making the investment and this is agreed to by negotiation. One of the many influences of the creation of collective goods is the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol focuses on many issues that cross national boundaries and require the attention of more than one country at a time. This leads to an international affairs situation where various countries have to solve problems of a trans-boundary nature (Stiles p.268). In order for this to occur the countries must first acknowledge that there is a need for a collective good. The problem arises however when countries use their judgment to determine how and if they should contribute to the collective good. Some countries may suggest that the country that has caused the most damage should be responsible party and should contribute more money (Stiles p269). It is rarely the case when all the countries involved offer to contribute their share without any hesitation. It ... fearful of the other powerful countries (United States and Russia). This changed during the end of the Cold War giving a new era of promise and an evolving international order (Grant p572). In 1994, the Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States made it clear that national, regional and international levels need to work together for better outcomes (Grant p581). In this conference, Third World Countries that the United Nations should also place more focus on hard economic issues as well. The agenda for development was created to deal with sensitivity to development concerns and the influence of global development policy decisions that were aborted 15 years ago in the Cancun Summit (Grant p582). The global transformation will focus on advancing the interest of groups that have universal membership of the United Nations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

AP Book Report 1. Title of Work: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant 2. Author and date written: Anne Tyler, written during the 1970s-1980s. 3. Country of author: Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America 4. Characters: Pearl Tull (major)- The single mother of three children, Cody, Ezra, and Jenny. She is very independent and resourceful. Pearl sets very high standards for herself and does not want assistance from anyone. Ezra Tull (major)- Ezra is the middle child and the youngest son of Pearl. He is the most sympathetic character in the novel. Throughout the novel, Ezra is noted to be the favored child of the three. Cody Tull (major)- Cody is the eldest son of Pearl. He is the least sympathetic character in the novel is very straightforward. He grew up with a troubled childhood and usually takes most of his anger, hatred, and jealousy on his brother, Ezra. He dominates the novel because Tyler has given him more chapters on his point of view than others. Jenny Tull (major)- The is the youngest and only daughter of Pearl Tull. Jenny often recalls painful events of her childhood, most of which involves her mother. She grows up to become a pediatrician and is married three times. Towards the end, she realizes she has a lot in common with her mother. Beck Tull (minor)- The husband of Pearl and father of the three children. He is handsome, fragile man who is employed as salesman. Beck abandons Pearl after fifteen years of marriage claiming that his company has relocated. Mrs. Scarlatti (minor)- Ezra's business partner and the owner of Scarlatti's Restaurant. She is also like a mother figure to Ezra. Mrs. Scarlatti is a relaxed and flexible character. She leaves the restaurant to Ezra after she dies and he changes the name to Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. 5. Major settings: The story is mainly set around Baltimore, Maryland. Pearl, Ezra, and Jenny, with the exception of her college and medical school years, have resided in Baltimore most of their lives. Cody spends the less time in Baltimore because his job requires traveling. However, he purposely decides to choose a place away from home. The novel takes place from the 1920s to 1979. 6. Plot Outline: The novel starts with Pearl Tull lying in the hospital bed dying. She is reminiscing while her youngest son, Ezra is by her side. The story then slowly flashes back to when her kids were younger. It begins when the Tull family is abandoned by their father. Pearl is left to raise three kids on her own ithout the assistance of others. The story progresses as each of her children tells of their past experiences. Her oldest son Cody, often criticized his mother on his upbringing. He is jealous of his brother, Ezra, claiming that he is his mother's favorite. Ezra, on the other hand is the most innocent child of the three. He is closest to his mother and apprecia tes her. Ezra was part of the military but later decided to come back to Baltimore and work at Scarlatti's Restaurant, owned by Mrs. Scarlatti. After becoming a favorite of his boss, who he also considers a surrogate mother, he ends up owing part of the restaurant. When Mrs. Scarlatti dies, Ezra is left with the restaurant and he renames it to â€Å"Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant†. Her youngest child, Jenny, is the first one of her children to get married. Jenny runs into trouble in all her marriages. She has divorced and married three times. However, Jenny seems to be the only one that is able to find happiness. She works as a successful pediatrician and is raising kids as well. The main goal in the novel is to complete a family meal. The Tulls will often gather together at Ezra's restaurant, but every time the dinner starts, it always ends in an argument. In the end, Pearl dies and is not able to join her children for a complete meal, but they have their father present to take her place. 7. Major themes: Alienation and Loneliness- Pearl Tull is portrayed as an extremely alienated individual. After her husband leaves her to care for three children, she is determined to raise her kids without assistance from anyone. She won't even inform her best friend about her husband, and when the neighbors ask about him, she tells them he's on a business trip. This distance she has with the community affects her children as well. They long to see her gossiping with other women or having some outside connection with others. Growth and Development- Each of the characters in the novel have grown or developed in one way or another. As time passes, Jenny begins to realize that she's acquired some of her mother's good and bad traits. Ezra, however, remains somewhat of a child as he grows up. Nonetheless, he shows the most concern for others, even non-family members. Cody still remains as competitive as he was as a child. He doesn't find much happiness and is confused about his motivation until he confronts his father. He then begins to realize his actions and reactions in the past. 8. Symbols in the book: One of the symbols in the novel is the restaurant. The restaurant is a symbol of togetherness in the family. The restaurant and the Tull family are not very stable, and both have Ezra trying to keep them from falling apart. After Ezra is left with the restaurant, her changes the name and tries to keep it running. In addition to that, he is also trying to bring his family together. He often calls them for a family dinner. However, the dinners always end up in some sort of argument. Another symbol in the novel is vision. In the novel, Pearl's vision is slowly dissapearing. This symbol represents that she is starting to lose her children. She only remembers them as children and doesn't know them as adults. However, when there's a lot of light in the room, she can see the silhouette of Ezra, which shows that he is closest to her. 9. Significant Imagery: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant is a novel that suggests a homely, everyday activity. In this novel, the action is eating. Ezra, the cook in his restaurant is the central image. He serves food that is not only for consuming but also medicinal and curative. The colors, textures, and feel of the delicious food serve as an essential component in both cooking an eating. The novel revolves mostly around olfactory images. 10. Significance of title of work: The title of the novel is the name of Ezra's restaurant. â€Å"Homesick† can be interpreted in many ways, as it is in the novel. Someone can be â€Å"sick for home†, â€Å"sick at home†, and â€Å"sick from home†. The Tull family often has family dinners, but they always go unfinished due to an argument. However, these dinners are what keep the family together. In the end, everyone but Pearl has a finished dinner. The pressure might have lessened after she died. 1. Author's techniques that are important to this work: Anne Tyler tells Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant from many different viewpoints. Each of the chapters is told from a characters perspective. These chapters also reveals something that is unique or unusual about the character. By alternating the di fferent viewpoints, the reader understands the characters better than they understand themselves. Another technique Tyler uses is the emotional tone of the novel. Throughout the novel, majority of the conversations have an overwhelming emotion in it. This suggests that the family lives under a lot of pressure.