Monday, March 16, 2020

Short Term Marketing Projects Essays

Short Term Marketing Projects Essays Short Term Marketing Projects Essay Short Term Marketing Projects Essay In small companies and resource-strapped non-profits, CEOs and executive directors are sometimes overwhelmed by the number of tasks that need to be done in a limited time period with limited resources. In these instances, it is often extremely cost effective to hire someone on a short-term basis who can take on and quickly complete specific projects, without needing a lot of direction and start-up time. Doing so frees the CEO to focus on sales and other revenue-generating activities. SCOPE OF SERVICES New Venture Networks project work generally focuses on the areas of research, marketing and operations. For past clients, we have: set up operations and infrastructure, helped with the research and writing of business and marketing plans, written initial marketing and Website collateral, developed work processes and policies, written job descriptions and want ads, assisted with initial business development and account management, connected companies to a wide variety of resources and contacts, done research projects on mulitple topics. CASE STUDIES Recently, a small PR and marketing firm, engaged in a study for a government agency, hired us to develop the research questionnaires to be used in the stdy, help them identify and select the sample to be interviewed, and advise them on the analysis of the data collected. This research is now in process and the government agency is happy with how the project is progressing. Another client, an e-learning company, hired us to do a research project identifying portal sites in the knowledge management area. We compiled such a list and then used these sites to research and monitor upcoming events of interest to our client. We also investigated and then helped the CEO obtain speaking engagements at some of these events. One client was starting a company providing research and customer relationship management services using an outsourced labor force located in India. She needed to focus on business development and asked us to help with a wide variety of tasks so she could concentrate on her primary focus of building the business. Over a period of 5 months, New Venture Network helped her with strategic and business planning, wrote marketing collateral and website content, introduced her to some of our contacts as potential clients, developed work processes, and worked with both the companys American clients and the employees in India who were performing the work. A marketing and PR firm was putting on a conference for one of their clients and was having a hard time obtaining CD-ROM and video materials needed for the conference. Because they were short-staffed and didnt have anyone who had the time to work on this project, which had a very tight deadline, they hired us to find and collect these materials. New Venture Network found companies that had such materials and convinced them to send these materials to our client. Our client used them for their trade show, which was deemed a success by their client. Short Term Projects At Marketing Eye we realise not all businesses need the same marketing solution. Businesses can also hire our Senior Marketing Manager for short-term projects, which include: Lead Generation Brand Building Marketing Strategy Communication Strategy Public Relations Website Development Corporate Videos Advertising Campaigns Newsletters MARKETING CONSULTANT LOGISTICS EVENT MANAGEMENT COMPANIES Eg: Red Orange Events Evolution Events LLC

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