Monday, December 30, 2019

Fast Food Case Study - 1039 Words

Fast Food restaurants have been around for many years and have developed over the time to meet consumer’s needs. The basic fundamentals of fast food have not changed; deliver food to customers as fast as possible. Eating fast food is something that I have not done in over four years. I decided to take a friend of mine to help me evaluate Burger King and McDonalds. Both of these restaurants are similar in many ways but also have many differences when it comes to taking orders. The production process of both restaurants is very different because of this the results are very different and customer satisfaction is affected. Customer expectations are the same of both restaurants but both have different ending results because of the service that†¦show more content†¦All hamburgers are put together after a customer puts their order in. At McDonalds a customer order their food at a register and while the customer waits there the same employee puts the order together. When the store is busy this causes lines to get backed up, also if a customer needs a re-fill they must have an employee do it unlike Burger King. Customer and employee satisfaction can make or break any company. If things are done correctly the first time, it will save customer irritation, taking care of the customer is important. Both establishments should give employees the power to do whatever it takes to make customers happy. The biggest recommendation I could give is to McDonalds environment. The environment was load as employees were yelling back and forth while the seating area was dull and noisy. Burger King has music playing in the seating area which believe it or not cuts down on the noise. In conclusion, both establishments have been around for decades are the two top most successful fast food chains in the world. The food may be similar but the production, service and atmosphere is very different. Customer exceptions of both Burger King and McDonalds are the same but after a visit from both customer will have a different feeling of satisfaction. Burger King is works more towards customer satisfaction as they make every order after the customer orders it and they ensure the order is correct by giving each customer a receipt before the food isShow MoreRelatedFast Food Case Study Iscom/471 Essay938 Words   |  4 PagesFast Food Case Study Burger King and McDonalds’ are two different fast food restaurants that both serve hamburger and fries, in a fast and friendly environment that is affordable. McDonalds, serves the notorious quarter pounder, while Burger Kings claim to fame is the charbroiled Whopper, both of which will be compared. The customer expectations, process of production, and the effectiveness are the factors in which separate these two, and recommendations after the case study will be prepared. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Non Intrusive Treatment For Medical Science - 1289 Words

Science (BS) Pre-Dental A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for acknowledgment into dental school. Educational programs offers histology and embryology, essentials for some dental projects. Science (BS) Pre-Medical A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, is a very aggressive and organized system that gets ready understudies for admission to medicinal school. Science (BS) Pre-Optometry A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for admission to Optometry Graduate Programs. Science (BS) Pre-Pharmacy A Bachelor of Science in Biology, concentrating on the pre-proficient track, gets ready understudies for admission to Pharmacy Graduate Programs. Science (BS) Pre-Physical Therapy Prepare for admission to a Physical Therapy Graduate Program by getting a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Non-intrusive treatment is a social insurance calling that cultivates ideal wellbeing and useful capacities for individuals with musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, or neurologic dysfunctions. Science (BS) Pre-Physician Assistant Prepare for passage into a Physician Assistant Graduate Program by getting a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Doctor associates are board guaranteed and authorized medicinal services experts who partake during the time spent clinical basic leadership, finding, and remedialShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of The Traumatic Event ( Ptsd )1629 Words   |  7 Pageshonorably discharged from the US military after having a near death experience (i.e., being shot and injured) during his service in the War in Iraq (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder—PTSD Criteria A1). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Who Fired at Lexington and Concord Free Essays

Who Fired At Lexington? Who fired first at Lexington? This question seems to remain a mystery until now, but after much research, and answer has been decided. After scouring through many affidavits, maps, paintings, and such, I have learned that the most logical answer is that the King’s troops, or the British, were the ones who opened fire unto the colonial troops. There is credible testimony as well as a piece of art that leads to this conclusion. We will write a custom essay sample on Who Fired at Lexington and Concord or any similar topic only for you Order Now To begin with, there are two witnesses to the Battle at Lexington and Concord that openly admit to the British being the ones to first open fire. John Parker, the commander of the militia in Lexington, accounts that upon hearing that the British troops were approaching he gave orders to his men to â€Å"disperse and not to fire†. He then also recalls that his men were rushed by the British troops who opened fire and killed eight of their party without receiving any provoking from the militia in Lexington. Another man, Simon Winship gives account of his experience on the night of the Battle at Lexington and Concord. He states that he was riding his horse on the public road in Lexington, unarmed, when he was approached by the British troops and ordered to dismount his horse. When he asked why, he was removed from his horse by force from the British commanders. The commanding men ordered Winship to march with the troops. He refused, but somehow ended up marching with them for half of a quarter of a mile. The troops were told to halt, prime and load their weapons. The troops then marched on until they came into contact with Captain Parker’s militia. He then recounts that an officer at the head of the said British troops, â€Å"flourished his sword, and with a loud voice, giving the word fire, fire, which was instantly followed by a discharge of arms from said troops†. Winship accounts that he is positive that there was no discharge of arms from either side until the word fire was given by the said officer. A painting also gave credible representation of the events that occurred that night. The painting clearly displays the King’s regiment, marching into the space that was occupied by the colonists. The Colonial troops, dispersed and held their ground without provoking the red coats to attack. The commander of the British troops, is shown atop his horse waving his sword in the air as to commence the attack on the Colonial troops. It is obvious as demonstrated by the evidence, that the King’s troops were the offending party which opened fire on the Colonial troops. Even though there was testimony accounting that the Colonial troops were the ones to open fire, they were discounted as credible due to their biased position. How to cite Who Fired at Lexington and Concord, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Condensed Reality Study of Material Culture

Question: Discuss about the Condensed Reality for Study of Material Culture. Answer: Introduction: The Morobe show has it history from 1959. The show has grown for the past two decade to reach attendance of more than 100000people. It has also earned a financial success for years as the show became commercialized with increased number of sponsors. Number of events in the show has increased over the years that have made it interesting and attracting more and more tourists. In the past two decades, M. Quinn ML and P. Franklin have been the presidents of the show taking 22 years and to present respectively (Sykes, Kamene, 2001). The Morobe show has for the years conserved the traditions and cultures of Papua New Guinea. The event that started with few events majorly on agriculture has incorporated other event that has enriched the show. The transaction in leadership and creation of life president has seen continuity of the society culture of being conservative. The Morobe show had the best financial results in the year 1997. This was as a result of upgrading fencing and ticket selling. It was also enhanced with entertainment and displays. It is during this time that the show had introduced Ferris wheel that contributed to more attraction. In 2000, the show introduced Morobe show Queen (Rannells Mimi, 2005). This was contest to promote New Guinea Culture. However, the show has been canceled once in the past 20years due to 2009 cholera outbreak. The show was also adversely affected by New York booming in 2001. The show also gets affected by adverse weather leading to low financial returns. The Show has for years relied on sponsorship from both national and international companies. The show experienced it highest level of sponsorship in 2007. These sponsors included Coca Cola, Trukai Industries and Ramu Agri-industries (Bourke, Harwood, 2009). Analysis of the Event The Morobe Show is the biggest and most famous every year event in Papua New Guinea. The show was started in 1959 and 2016 marked their 55th Show in Lae Showground (Keurs, 2006). The event president is P. Franklin MBE how has held the position for the past two years. The Morobe Show is held in Lae Showground. The show has over the years evolved to attract the international community making it a financial success event for sponsors as a result of commercialization and popularity. The event is held on October weekend close to the moon. The main showcases are agriculture, commercial and culture. The show has attractive entertainment in fairground rides, daredevil bike ride and traditional dances. The show is organized and coordinated by Morobe Province Agricultural Society. The Show website is The Morobe show is sponsored by Grand Champion, Coca Cola Amatil, Blue Ribbon, Trukai and Ramu industries. These sponsors contributed K50000 for the Morobe event 2016. Growth of Morobe Show The event has grown for years with attendance reaching to an average of 100000people in the past five years. The show increased participates to more than 1000 in the past on decade with improved quality. There has been an also increased group as from 2007 that have attracted more tourists in the event. They stand at 58 representing the top performing groups in PNG and Australia. The number of events has also increased with entertainment taking a central part in the Show. Several games have been introduced and enhanced to increase participation and entertainment to the show. The number of sponsors in the event has increased to take advantage of the growing event that has become popular in the country (Prideaux et al, 2006). This has led to companies operating in PNG promoting their products in the event and recording good results. Marketing of Morobe Show The event has been marketed in different websites to persuade and inform attendance of the Show. The organization has majorly invested in internet marketing to reach a large audience both locally and internationally. Morobe Show uses Trans Niugini Tours and Papua New Guinea Travels. The websites used for marketing are updated with detailed information about the event that creates expectations to the potential attendance. These websites are touring websites that visited my tourists visiting PNG. Since these websites are mostly visited by tourist providing them with information on the upcoming interesting events in the province enables them to schedule visit to the show. This helps the tourist to easily access information and they are facilitated to attend the event by the touring companies. These touring websites are integrated to offer full hospitality to tourist enabling them to move around and have the best visits in the country (Keurs, 2006). The marketing strategy exercised by Mo robe Show is appropriate for the event because it connects the tourists to the event. The websites offer a worldwide advertisement of the event reaching more audience around the world. This encourages both international audiences and participants to the event. From this marketing of Morobe Show, it recommendable that the organizers of the event prepare a video advertisement to be displayed in these websites instead of just words. This is because videos showing past event are more likely to create anxious to attend the event than reading. The marketers of the show should also consider extending marketing in the catering websites. These catering websites are also highly attended by tourist and engagement in a cultural event would create an admirable associate. Competitors Papua New Guinea is rich in culture and has several events running in the country throughout the year. These events include the following; Mt Hagen Cultural Sow that is to be held in Mt Hagen, Morobe Yam Festival to be held in Lae and Zumin pottery Exhibitions also in Lae (May, 2004). These events are schedules to reoccur every year though different dates with Morobe Show. These competitors are different from Morobe Show because they have specialized in different set of events. For instance, Mt Hagen Cultural Show has in depth cultural showcase that bring together different tribal participants in the region creating a large number of following. These competing events compete for attendance that earns return to sponsors and organizers. However, Morobe Show is rated as the best among the showcase events in PNG for it different events taking place simultaneously and popularity among PNG and Australia. Event Lifecycle of Morobe Show The Morobe Show is a recurring event that happens every year. The event is in the maturity stage citing it development for the past one decade. The Morobe show has been on an upward graph for the past two decades will increase events and attendances. The Show reached its peak on 2008 with 105000 people that have later stagnated at 100000 people with little variation. It therefore the job of the organizers of Morobe Show to keep the event attracting more and more attendances to maintain an upward graph. According to event lifecycle, the Morobe Show is at the peak with large participants and attendances. The growth of attendance is at a slow rate as compared to two decades ago (Mckinnon et al, 2008). This stage in the event lifecycle indicate that if the does not enhance it marketing strategies it can start declining in terms of events and attendances. Therefore, the organizers should strategize on meeting standards and making the show more interesting by adding events and marketing wi dely to receive more attendances. Recommendation to Coca Cola Company Coca cola has sponsored Morobe Show since 2007. The Coca cola Company made K60000 to the event facilitating the event to greater height. It is from these facilitations that the event has been able to reach more potential attendances resulting to an increase by 8% in 2008 Show (Stanley, 2007). The Show has in the recent past attained recognition in PNG and Australia making it a good avenue for product promotion. Since the show is associated with promotions, it recommendable for Coca Cola company to continue and increase its sponsorship in the event. Also, the event is continuously attaining popularity in the international society thereby creating room for more audience. Therefore, sponsorship of Coke Company to Morobe Show will assist the company to promote it brand in PNG. Conclusion From the discussion in this report, it clear that the event under study is most famous in PNG and is gaining popularity with time. The Morobe Show has evolved to be an attractive event for both local and international society. In the recent decade, the event has also been commercialize and grown to be popularized as a promotion avenue. It is therefore recommendable for companies wishing to promote their brand or product to sponsor the event for there is prospects for return due to large following of the event. References Bourke, R. M., Harwood, T. A. (2009). Food And Agriculture In Papua New Guinea. Canberra, A.C.T., Anu E Press. Http://Press.Anu.Edu.Au?P=53311. Keurs, P. T. (2006). Condensed Reality: A Study Of Material Culture ; Case Studies From Siassi (Papua New Guinea) And Enggano (Indonesia). Leiden, Cnws Publications. Mckinnon, R., Carillet, J.-B., Starnes, D. (2008). Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands. Footscray, Vic, Lonely Planet. May, R. J. (2004). State And Society In Papua New Guinea: The First Twenty-Five Years. Canberra, Act, Australian National University E Press. Prideaux, B., Moscardo, G., Laws, E. (2006). Managing Tourism And Hospitality Services: Theory And International Applications. Wallingford, Cabi. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.1079/9781845930127.0000. Rannells, J., Matatier, E., Mimi, K. (2005). Png Fact Book: A One Volume Encyclopedia Of Papua New Guinea. South Melbourne, Vic, Oxford Univ. Press. Stanley, N. (2007). The Future Of Indigenous Museums: Perspectives From The Southwest Pacific. New York, Berghahn Books. Sykes, K., Simet, J., Kamene, S. (2001). Culture And Cultural Property In The New Guinea Islands Region: Seven Case Studies. New Delhi, Ubspd.