Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is life without ignorance? :: essays research papers

What is life without Suffering?We completely suffer from being ignorant. Is it possible to terminal your ignorance? According to the Buddhist system it is. It is possible to end your ignorance and all personal desire to eventually become enlightened and reach Nirvana, which is utter peace. Ending your ignorance will in turn end unworthy. The Buddha taught that there were many natural occurrences that led up to ignorance and that we all are capable of liberating ourselves from. It is true that we all leave desires that our unmet and it causes problems in our lives. It is also true that the orbit is full of hunger, war, death, and over all misery and pain. But what would our human being be without problems. If we all were enlightened and free of all our ignorance then our lives and world would be fabulously boring and uneventful. We dont like having problems and challenges but our lives are about working through problems and overcoming and learning. Ignorance does cause many p roblems but knowing everything about our world can often bring you down instead of up. Losing ignorance is very important in maturing and evolving as a person but losing your ignorance is not the end to all your suffering. There is no end to suffering, there are breaks but there is no end.According to the bandits theory life is full of misery and pain. Everything we have and desire brings some sort of pain to our lives. We fear losing what we have and we always want more. Buddhists believe we all are born with this feeling and that we all cling to objects in this world for enjoyment. We all have a lot of natural desires because we are all human beings with brains, senses, and feelings. All of this makes us get impressions of what we want, what we want to be, and what we think should happen. This causes us all to have some ignorance to many different things and ideas. It is correct that our lives are full of misery and pain. We also are all ignorant, but having ignorance and some su ffering in your life is what makes our world what it is, it is what makes our lives interesting. The problems and obstacles that we have in our lives help us change and help us grow. If you eliminate all of your problems and all your desires, what do you have to live for?

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