Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses Essay

Literary Analysis of The Girls in Their Summer Dresses - Essay Example The argument that ensues shows that this is not the first time they argued over the same thing. This story depicts how communication, respect, and compromise is necessary in order to save a relationship. Character Analysis Michael Loomis, the husband, is a static character. He is a superficial man who has a roving eye and a blatant lack of respect for his wife. He is insensitive, yet he seems to enjoy the humorous exchanges he has with his wife. Unfortunately, he is a static character because despite the several emotional argument and emotional appeals made by his wife, he remains unmoved and unchanged. He seems to be concerned about what his wife feels, but until the end, he fails to really realize what his wife needs from him. Similar to Michael, Frances is also a static character. She is attractive but insecure. She obviously loves her husband and tries hard to make him laugh and have good times with him. However, she lacks courage to tell her husband to stop what he is doing. She fails to realize that she is actually allowing her feelings to be ignored because she always tries to give way. In the end, readers would realize that this same scene will repeat over and over in the couple's lives since there is no character change in either of them. Conflict The external conflict is simple: Michael and Frances do not see eye to eye regarding their marriage and their role to each other. Frances wants to get her husband's attention, while Michael seems to be bent on giving it to other women. Their internal conflict is more complex than the external one. Frances tries to understand how it is with men in order to iron out her relationship with her husband: â€Å"Some men're like that, I tell myself, they have to see what they're missing† (Shaw). On the other hand, Michael does not feel too happy with how this is affecting his wife: â€Å"...that Michael felt terribly sorry for her† (Shaw). They both try to fight their with themselves in order to please the other yet the external or more superficial desires win. Furthermore, what adds to this conflict is the refusal of the two involved individuals to resolve the issues between them by deep communication. Instead, they choose to ignore it, which causes the same issue to come up over and over again. Setting The story is set with vivid descriptions of New York and the women that stroll along its streets. This is an important detail in the story since it greatly provides the readers with a clear picture of what Michael and Frances see. Setting the story in a fast-paced city makes the scene a comfortable backdrop for an arguing couple. Furthermore, 5th Avenue Manhattan is a famous place filled with museums, fine dining restaurants, and boutiques, which makes the description of the beautiful, crisp, chic women so believable. It contributes to the conflict in the story because being in a big city as New York exposes the husband and wife to the major concern they have in their marriage --- Michael's roving eyes as he meets the types of women he has always wanted to have. Story Point of View The story is told in a limited third person point of view. The narrative is seen mainly through Michael's eyes, because his thoughts are more profoundly discussed compared to Frances'. Readers get to understand Frances' thoughts merely through her reactions to Michael. This is effective in keeping the story in a limited perspective, where it gives more

Monday, October 28, 2019

Haptic Technology - Feeling the Future Essay Example for Free

Haptic Technology Feeling the Future Essay What is haptic technology? It’s the technology relating to or based on the sense of touch. We see it every day with our touch screen phones. It is needed to interact with your phone, computer, keyboard, mouse, car, gaming system and more! It can also be used in medicine, robotics, art, design, electronics, toys, and more! Where is the technology feeling to go? What is haptic feedback? What is haptic feedback? Haptic feedback the shake of your gaming console’s remote, the vibration of your phone, clicking of the keyboard and mouse. the interaction of touch and response (Figure 1). How does this correlate with human memory?   Memory has several categories. There is long-term memory, short-term and sensory memory. Each one plays an important part of overall memory. â€Å"They all cooperate in the process of memorization, and can be seen as three necessary steps in forming a lasting memory† (Mastin, 2012). Haptic technology uses sensory memory. What is sensory memory?   According to Mastin, sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. â€Å"It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch† (Mastin, 2012). Touch is the key word in haptic technology. How will this technology change the way we interact with computer? The interactions of computer and humans are known as human-computer-interface (HCI). Human-computer-interface (HCI) developers and engineers goals are to improve the user’s overall experience. This can be accomplished by creating a lasting memory for the end user and a good feeling of using the technology known as haptic technology. What is HCI? HCI is the study on how to better improve the interaction between human and computers. For example Human Machine Symbiosis Laboratory Department of Biomedical Informatics Arizona State University conducted a study on the Psychology of Haptics, Haptic User Interfaces and Human Motion Analysis. Their main goal for the haptic user interface study is to design effective and efficient interfaces; in psychology of haptics study they focused on the role of haptic modality in formation and retention of memory and categorization; and in the human motion study they concentrated on gesture analysis. Human computer interaction (HCI) has emerged as a focal area of both computer science research and development, and of applied social, behavioral and psychological research† (Kahol, 2010). The research team in Arizona State University focused on memory and categorization controlled experiments using mechanisms of haptic memory and categorization. They also explored whether individuals who were blind and sighted can abstract a haptic prototype from a study set; the nature of haptic space through multidimensional scaling; and haptics in early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The Arizona State University research team are concerned with design, development and testing of tactile and force feedback devices and its associated software(s). â€Å"These devices have widespread applications such as surgical simulations, medical and procedural training, scientific visualizations, assistive and rehabilitative devices for individuals who have physical or neurological disorders and assistive devices for individuals who are blind† (Kathol, 2010). The human motion research field is guided towards understanding human motion through gesture analysis. The research team from Arizona State University has developed novel gesture segmentation and gesture recognition tools for understanding and modeling human motion. They plan to develop scalable gesture segmentation and gesture recognition tools. They plan to apply the models to generic human motion as well as specialized human motion as in dance and in various scenarios such as surveillance, human computer interfaces and 3D Dance motion. Once these devices are implemented, they must remain consistent. Why you ask? Image a medical procedural being done on you. The doctor is located in different part of the world and is using new technology which allows him to operate remotely, but wait. The controls he is using are not consistent with the standard controls accepted in the USA. Will you risk your life on this doctors questionable HCI? I know I wouldn’t. Designing the right HCI is key to any successful implementation of new technology. What are some design factors to consider in the implementation of HCI and where does the future of HCI feel to go? Figure 2 User-Centric Design (SAP, 2013) One possible design process we can use is UCD. What is is UCD? User-centered design (UCD) is a design methodology and process that focuses on the needs of end users, limitations of end users, preferences of end users, and business objectives (USABILITY, 2013). The UCD has several components: plan, research, design, adapt, and measure (Figure 2). â€Å"Plan – In the Plan phase, the team determines all of the UCD activities and ensures that the necessary resources are available. Research – Before you can design a product, it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of the users goals and tasks, the market needs, and related work. Design – In the design phase, you define your system from the users perspective. Initially, this phase takes the form of use cases and an object action model, which describes the tasks that the system will support. From these tasks you create UI designs, beginning with rough sketches and ending with detailed UI design specifications. Adapt – The adapt phase acknowledges that even the best conceived designs often need to be adapted when development begins coding. This adaptation can occur as a result of unforeseen limitations in the target technology, new requirements, or missing functionality in the initial design. Measure – When the product is released, it is possible to measure its usability quantitatively. These tests measure a products effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction† (SAP, 2013) HCI FUTURE Microsoft researchers wrote Being Human Human Computer Interaction in the Year 2020. In the paper they state: â€Å"HCI needs to extend its methods and approaches so as to focus more clearly on human values. This will require a more sensitive view about the role, function and consequences of design, just as it will force HCI to be more inventive. HCI will need to form new partnerships with other disciplines, too, and for this to happen HCI practitioners will need to be sympathetic to the tools and techniques of other trades. Finally, HCI will need to re-examine and reflect on its basic terms and concepts. Outdated notions of the ‘user’, the ‘computer’ and ‘interaction’ are hardly sufficient to encompass all that HCI will need to attend to† (Microsoft, 2008).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ordinary Control Freaks in Judith Guests Ordinary People Essay

Ordinary Control Freaks in Ordinary People The Most interesting form of Literature is American Literature. Usually dealing with a struggle that must be overcome, American literature deals with real-life situations which one can empathize with. One of the most interesting novels written by an American author is Ordinary People, by Judith Guest. Ordinary People tells the story of an ordinary family struggling to cope with the loss of a family member following a boating accident. Brilliantly written, the novel consists of two narrators- Conrad, the Jarrett family's only son left after the boating accident, and Calvin, Conrad's father. By using two narrators, both Calvin and Conrad's thoughts are revealed. In the novel, Calvin struggles to cope with the loss of his son Buck in the boating accident, and, afterward, Conrad's attempt to commit suicide. Calvin's personality conflicts with his wife's and his peers'. He desires control and order, but, to his dislike, doesn't always have it. Calvin's history was eventful, growing up in a foster home without a father and a mother he scarcely saw, which plays a critical role in his need for control. Growing up in a foster home, Calvin's childhood provided little opportunity to control his life. As a grownup, Calvin desires the control he never had. A good example of Calvin's desire for control is evident in the scene, during breakfast, when Calvin is talking to Conrad about Dr. Berger, a psychiatrist recommended by Conrad's former psychiatrist, Dr. Crawford. Also identifying Calvin's desire for control is Calvin's ambition to be a good father. His desire to be a good father stems from his childhood, where he never had a father. His career was no... .... Calvin's mindset at work has rubbed off on him in his personal life. Many examples can support this claim. A good example of Calvin's work mindset effecting his personal life can be found by his thoughts about Conrad's orthodontist trips in the quote "Strive, strive. Correct all defects" (9). In short, Calvin's desire for control is a trait which is easily identifiable in his personality. Evidence supporting the claim that Calvin desires control and order, but, to his dislike, doesn't always have it is numerous in the novel Ordinary People. Calvin's struggle to overcome his obstacles, including his foster home childhood, the death of his son Buck, and Conrad's suicide attempt, along with the challenges faced by Conrad and Beth allow for very complex and dynamic characters in this excellent example of American literature at its finest.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

China As Most Favored Nation Essay example -- essays research papers

What is the debate on weather or not China should retain favored-nation trading status all about? Is it really a decision on what is best economically for the United States, and China. Or is it: the issue of Chinese human rights violations and the fact that if the United States where to revoke the favored nation status of China it would have a profound negative impact on the U.S. economy alone. (+)Most-favored-nation trade status started in the United States as a version of the European preferential trade system. The Carter Administration first granted most-favored-nation trading status to China in 1980, following the historic efforts of President Nixon during the 1970’s to restore diplomatic ties. Historically, a significant difference existed between the unconditional most-favored-nation clause in European trade law and the American version of conditional most-favored-nation. Under unconditional most-favored-nation status, one country's extension of tariff concessions guarantees the same concessions to all nations associated with it through commercial treaties. American conditional most-favored-nation status provided treaty signatories only the opportunity to negotiate most-favored-nation status when most-favored-nation status was extended to another trading partner. Thus meaning that the United States gives significant economic advantages to one nation in the form of most-favored-nation trading status. Under the Trade Act of 1974, most-favored-nation status could only be granted to China through a Sino-American bilateral commercial agreement and satisfaction of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment requirements. The Jackson-Vanik amendment states that the President of the United States may grant a communist country such as China most-favored-nation trade status if it was in conjunction with a trade agreement and upon proper improvement that China would permit emigration. Also China would have to satisfy that they are moving toward improving current policies. The conclusion of the US-PRC commercial accord in July 1979, and the initial waiving of the Jackson-Vanik requirements, and with Congressional approval, most-favored-nation status was granted to China. This action sealed the successful efforts of the Carter Administration to create social and economic ties through Sino-American relations. The renewal of China’s most-favored-nation trade status has been s... ...t-favored-nation status. By giving stats and other figures that show just how this issue has the ability to effect the economies of both the United States and China. Works Cited: (-)Morrison, Wayne M. â€Å"91121: China-U.S. Trade Issues† Updated November 27, 1996 <a href=""> (+)Robertson III , Grayson R â€Å"The China-MFN Controversy: The Case For Maintaining China's MFN Status Part 1† <a href=""> (=)â€Å"MARKET ACCESS AND PROTOCOL COMMITMENTS† <a href=""> Delay, Tom â€Å"China-U.S. Trade Issues† <a href=""> Faison, Seth "U.S. And China Reach Late Agreement on Textiles," New York Times, February 3, 1997 <a href="">

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reaction Paper on Piaget’s Learning Theory Essay

Cognition is defined as the process of learning that includes perception, memory, judgment and thinking. It is also the basis of Jean Piaget’s theories on learning. He was able to identify the different stages of cognitive development by interviewing and observing children of different ages in gathering the data to which he was able to formulate his theories. He was more concerned on the wrong answers given by children in tests given to them in school by their teachers and used them as a tool to be able to identify the different characteristics manifested by children of different ages and saw them as more significant to a child’s intellectual development. Piaget presented four learning stages as observed from different age brackets of children and each stage is necessary to reach the later periods of cognitive development. First is the sensorimotor stage which can be observed from birth to two years old. Second is the pre operational stage evident in children age two to seven years old. Third is the concrete operational stage apparent from age seven to eleven years old and lastly, formal operations stage seen from age eleven to sixteen years old. Although, some critics say that these changes may not occur at the same stages and that some characteristics may have been actually perceived by a learner at an earlier stage or age but these observations can only be seen to some extent and not in most cases. Clearly, Piaget’s study offered us direct recognition of the level of comprehension a learner is capable of. Furthermore, in determining these different stages, we are able to understand and characterize now the patterns of intellectual capabilities of infants, children and adolescents and eventually help us to be able to effectively communicate to them and see to it that their learning environment is right to their age. The practicable means and ways of giving them the appropriate kind of learning should be considered and hence their learning capabilities are thoroughly sharpened by not forcing them to move on to higher stages of development yet, as a way to advance their minds to something that they are not ready for. As teachers in the future, we should not be able to discriminate the level of thinking of learners, instead we need to focus on the enhancement of their intellectual ability by reaching out to them and adjust to their set of minds to be able to efficiently offer them the best kind of learning suitable for them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Policy Process Theories

Essay on Policy Process Theories Essay on Policy Process Theories Essay on Policy Process TheoriesThe Stages-Heuristic theory is one of the highly influential frameworks for the study of the policy process, which was developed in the 1970s-1980s (Dudley, Parsons, Radaelli Sabatier, 2000). According to this theory, the policy making process is divided into several stages. The stages of policy development include agenda-setting, policy formation, policy legitimation, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. One stage moves to the next stage. For example, agenda-setting stage involves the list of issues that require special attention of officials. Then, agenda-setting stage requires narrowing the list of issues or subjects in order to move to the next stage, from government agenda to the decision making agenda. This framework played an important role in transforming political theory research and provided an opportunity to analyze each stage of policy making process. Different factors can influence the policy making process within each stage. How ever, the Stages-Heuristic theory has been criticized severely because this theory does not provide causal drivers that â€Å"govern the process within each stage† (Gornitzka, Kogan Amaral, 2006, p.18). This theory can be compared to the other dominant theoretical frameworks, such as Institutional Rational Choice model developed by Kiser and Ostrom in 1982. The strengths of this framework as compared to the Stages-Heuristic framework include the focus on institutional rules, which may change the behavior of individuals and the close relationships between institutions. Institutional Rational Choice model has become rational choice theory, which makes the policy process the so-called ‘bargaining game’ between individuals or parties. This framework assesses public policy as a set of the proper institutional arrangements, which consist of certain rules and norms that shape the interactions and strategies of actors. The weakness of this framework is that it can be ap plied to some specific context, providing the effects of various beliefs systems on institutions and policy process.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Blaming Society in William Blakes Essay Example

Blaming Society in William Blakes Essay Example Blaming Society in William Blakes Paper Blaming Society in William Blakes Paper Chimney Sweeper tries to tell story of a boy that is affected by poverty and corruption. Through Songs of Innocence, Blake makes the world know about the situation of children In his time working as chimney sweepers. Through the eyes of children, the speaker asserts that they can be set free from the evils of society through hope, Joy, and cheer that every child has towards God. The speaker is against society, government, and family who give children so much pain ND force them to work as slaves. Blake expresses his feelings in the Songs of Innocence by showing sympathy towards innocent children that are treated with cruelty. Society exploits, abuses and takes advantage of the children. The Songs of Innocence shows how society, specifically the father, the church and the chimney sweeping industry is to blame for the boys unhealthy condition and how the boy describes how pain and sorrow are part of his everyday life. In the first stanza of the Songs of Innocence, the speaker makes a statement on the boys painful situation cause he Is not with his parents. It is sad and heartbreaking for that boy, who at a young age, Instead of being with parents enjoying life Is emotionally challenged with a number of factors Like getting sold away by his father and family, poverty, and he could not even speak and death of his mother. The speaker expresses his feeling for boy in earlier lines of the poem: When my mother died I was very young / And my father sold me While yet my tongue (1-2). The speaker blames the boys father who sold his son to earn some money and now this injured child from the heart replies to his evil and cruel father with tears in his eyes, who cleans chimney in soot and dust and also not given a proper place to sleep: Could scarcely cry Weep! Weep! Weep! Weep! / So your chimneys I sweep ; in soot I sleep (3-4). The speaker attacks the father of a child who is the reason for child labor spreading in his country. Through the first stanza the speaker shows the reader an awful situation In which to get out of the poverty. The father of that child chooses a path In which money Is more vital than an Innocent childs happiness and freedom. The speaker affects the reader deeply by taking them to the world of beliefs that Is spread by the church among the people. Tom Daycare (5) is the victim of one of the religious beliefs that curly hair decreases the energy of the child and Tom has curly hair. Toms hair is shaved (6), so that he could work with full energy. The speaker tries to use the word lamb (6), from the second stanza to describe Toms hair shape. This religious practice makes Tom go through a lot of emotional pain because Tom loved his curly air and every tear from his eyes shows that the church has no mercy on child like Tom: Theres little Tom Daycare, who cried when his head (5). The speaker shows the love towards the Boy who is in tears. And tries to give comfort to that child by making him understand that Its good to have no hair, because when you sleep In soot (8), your white hair (8), Is going to get black and full of dust: Hush, Tom! Never mind It, for when your heads bare, / You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair (8). In tons second stanza speaker gives example AT concur oppression on weak canny Tom. Such practices from church are sinful and hurting innocent child like Tom with a belief of shaving the head leads to the question strike in the mind of the speaker. The speaker says the children are a gift from the God (20). And the church is the house of the god where people come and pray for their happiness. That happiness is turn down by the church through going against god and giving pain to that gift where even god is unhappy with such practices by the church. In the last stanza of the Songs of Innocence, Tom wakes up in the morning with a same old work of sweeping chimney. This time Tom is happy and feeling warmth in his body because he has words from an Angel (19). That if all duties are performed on time his friends and he will not need to worry about fear from the rich in the society. The rich exploits poor condition because they use child for labor work: And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark / And got with our bags our brushes to work / Though the morning as cold, Tom was happy warm; / So if all do their duties, they need not fear harm (21-24). However, the speaker gives knowledge to the reader by showing the innocence of a child in the way of trusting God and hope that God will give him the love of the father and freedom. In the reality Tom was unaware of the situation. Even the prayer of rescue is not enough to get away from the evil practices of rich society. The speaker in the Songs of Innocence tries to portray indictment on his society for giving harsh working condition to the young children. The Speaker entreats a feeling of blame in the reader by connecting Toms nightmare with allegations of societys unfaithfulness of these very young children. William Blake accuses the father for putting his child into the hands of the labor industry for chimney sweeping by using word like your from the first stanza in the line so your chimney I sweep (4). It is even more disappointing that these poor children have no helping hand of the Church; instead the speaker claims that Church supported and encouraged the labor industry and the father for giving more oppressive conditions to these young children lives.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Simplest alkylphenols isomeric mixtures Essay Example

Simplest alkylphenols isomeric mixtures Essay Example Simplest alkylphenols isomeric mixtures Essay Simplest alkylphenols isomeric mixtures Essay a mixture of 1-hexanol and 2-heptanol, or a ketone Separation via Ester or salt formation: The female parent spirits enriched with p-cresol ( e.g. , to a m/p ratio of 35: 65 ) from the precipitation with sodium ethanoate can respond with oxalic acid to give the semiester or diester, which is precipitated on chilling to 20 A °C. The ester is separated and so hydrolyzed by heating with H2O at 85 % in the presence of the several nonionic dissolver. The oxalic acid may be precipitated on chilling and recycled. The p-cresol dissolves in the organic dissolver, from which it is isolated by distillment. The jumping usage of both procedures separates m- and p-cresol about wholly { 4 } Alkylation with Isobutylene: Alkylation of m-/p- cresol mixture gives a mixture of butylated m-cresol and p-cresols. Dealkylation of either or both of these merchandises makes it possible to acquire pure m-cresol and p-cresol. Uses O-cresol O-cresol can be chlorinated to 4-chloro-o-cresol and can be used as a get downing stuff for the production of chlorophenoxyalkanoic acids, 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid and 2- ( 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy ) -propionic acid ; these acids are of import as selective weedkillers. A smaller proportion of o-cresol can besides be nitrated to 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol, which can be used in the production and distillment of cinnamene as a polymerisation inhibitor. O-cresol of high pureness is now being processed to epoxy-o-cresol novolak rosins which are utile as sealing stuffs for incorporate circuits ( french friess ) . Normal choice o-cresol is besides employed in the alteration of traditional phenol-formaldehyde rosins. O-cresol is besides of import as a precursor of assorted dye intermediates, of which the most of import in footings of measure is o-cresotinic acid ( o-hydroxymethylbenzoic acid ) produced by the kolbes synthesis. { 5 } This acid can besides be used in the pharmaceutical industry. O-cresols can be used as a dissolver, straight or after it has been hydrogenated to 2-methylcyclohexanol or 2-methylcyclohexanone. O-cresol in the signifier of its carbonated ester is used as a get downing stuff in the synthesis of coumarin. Alkylation of o-cresol with propene green goodss carvacrol, which is used in aromas and as an antiseptic. Alkylated with isobutene, little sums of o-cresols can be used as get downing stuffs in the production of antioxidants and in the production of constituents used for thermic recording stuffs. M- and p- methyl phenols A mixture of these two isomers can organize a starting stuff for contact insect powders like O, O-dimethyl-O- ( 3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl ) thionophosphoric acid and O, O-dimethyl-O- ( 3-methyl-4-methylthiopheny ) thionophosphoric acid. Although pure m-cresol can besides function this intent. M-cresol is used in the synthesis of phenyl m-tolyl quintessence ( m-phenoxytoluene ) , which can so be oxidized to m-phenoxybenzaldehyde, which can served as a edifice block in the production of insect powders of the pyrethroid type. An of import get downing stuff for the synthesis of vitamin E is 2,3,6-trimethyphenol, this can be produced by the selective methylation of pure m-cresol with methyl alcohol. Alkylation of m-cresol with isobutene green goodss 6-tert-butyl-m-cresol which can be condensed with sulfur bichloride to give 4,4A?-thiobis ( 6-tert-butyl-m-cresol ) , an of import antioxidant for polythene and polypropene. More antioxidants are produced from 6-tert-butyl-m-cresol by condensation with butyraldehyde or crotonaldehyde. In Japan, amination of m-cresol is used to bring forth m-toludine 4-chloro-m-cresol which is used as a germicide and preservative can be produced by selective chorination of either pure m-cresol or a mixture of m-/p-cresols. An of import field of application for proficient methyl phenol mixtures is the production of modified phenoplast rosins by condensation with methanal. The suitableness and monetary value of methyl phenol mixtures for this purpose depends on their content of m-cresol, the most reactive of the three isomers. Cresol mixtures are extremely of import as dissolvers for man-made rosin coatings ( wire enamels ) . { 5 } Impersonal phosphorous acid esters which are used as fire immune hydraulic fluids, additives in lubricators, air filter oils and flameproof plasticisers for PVC and other plastics can be produced from mixtures of m-/p-cresols that do non incorporate the o isomer. Due to its bactericidal and fungicidal belongingss, methyl phenols can be used as germicides in soap. Condensation of methanal with cresolsulfonic acid and Sulfonation of novaks obtained from methyl phenols are used to bring forth man-made tanning agent. Cresols are besides used as wood preservatives. Cresols are used in Ore floatation, fiber intervention, as metal degreaser, as pull outing dissolvers, and as agents for taking carbonisation sedimentations from internal burning engines. Hydrogenation of methyl phenols green goodss methylcyclohexanol and methylcyclohexanone which are used in the pigment and fabric industries. Xylenols Xylenol or dimethylphenol is an arene compound with two methyl groups and a hydroxyl group. The name xylenol comes from xylol and phenol Xylenol occurs in six isomeric signifiers: Commercially, 2-6 xylenol is considered to be the most utile out of the six isomers. Properties The Physical belongingss are shown in the affiliated tabular array: Xylenols are colourless crystallising compounds that are soluble in intoxicant, propanone, and in many other organic dissolvers. They are less soluble in H2O than the methyl phenols { 5 } . There sourness is by and large lower than that of methyl phenol, except for 3,5-xylenol. They are normally soluble in aqueous Na hydrated oxide but the extent of solubility depends on the isomer. The chemical belongingss are similar to that of the methyl phenols Separation: Crude xylenols can be separated into its different isomers by fractional distillment. The different isomers at the matching boiling point are highlighted below. 2,4-xylenol and 2,5-xylenol are contained in the fraction boiling point at 208-212 A °C at 101.3 kPa. Crystallization method is used to divide these isomers since the difference in their boiling point at 101.3 kPa is 0.2 C 2,3-Xylenol is isolated from a fraction boiling at 215-218 A °C by selective dephenolation with dilute aqueous Na hydrated oxide, debut of the free phenols into milk of calcium hydroxide, and depriving with steam ; it can so be purified by recrystallization from benzine { 5 } 3,5-xylenols is crystallized by chilling the fractions with boiling points scope of 218-221 C, 3,4-xylenols is besides obtained this manner but with a fraction of boiling points of 223-225 C Separation of 2,6 xylenols: In the azeotropic distillment of the m-/p-cresol fraction with steam, 2,6-xylenol crystallizes from the condensate. 2,6-Xylenol can be distilled from cresolate caustics because of its lower sourness, after which it is obtained from the condensate by extraction with benzene.. In fractions rich with 2,6-xylenol like the one obtained from synthesis by the methylation of phenol, the 2,6-xylenol can be separated from m- and p-cresol and other phenols by countercurrent extraction with aqueous Na hydroxide-hydrocarbon mixtures. Uses Xylenol mixtures can be used as dissolver for wire enamels, germicides, fabric aides and in ore floatation. Xylenol-formaldehyde rosins can be manufactured from mixtures rich in 3,5-xylenols and xylenols with two H atoms in the o- and p-positions Nontoxic plasticiziers and trixylenyl phosphates which are used as fire-retardant hydraulic fluids can be produced from Xylenols that are without an o-methyl group. 2,4-/2,5-Xylenol mixtures constitute natural stuffs for antioxidants, particularly those intended for gasolene ( e.g. , 6-tert-butyl-2,4-dimethylphenol ) and rubber [ e.g. , 2-methyl-1,1-bis ( 2-hydroxy-3,5-dimethylphenyl ) propane ] . { 5 } Pure 2,5-xylenol is besides used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of lipid reducing agents. 2,6-xylenols is primary used to bring forth poly ( phenylene oxide ) resins. Oxidation of 2,6-xylenol gives 2,6-xylenol dimer, a forte monomer to bring forth epoxy rosins for encapsulating advanced semiconducting materials. { 6 } Condensation of 2,6-xylenol with acetone green goodss 2,2-Bis ( 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethylphenyl ) propane ( tetramethylbisphenol A ) which is used as an intermediate for polycarbonates whose belongingss are similar to that of poly ( phenylene oxide ) resins. Treated with ammonium hydroxide, 2,6-Xylenol outputs 2,6-dimethylaniline, which is used in the industry of pesticides and besides in the production of pharmaceuticals. Xylenols are besides used in little sums in the synthesis of dyes and in the production of aromas. Feedstock: There are several paths to bring forth methyl phenols and xylenols runing form natural paths to man-made paths, some of which are listed below: Sythentic paths from methylbenzene Splitting of cymene hydroperoxide Methylation of phenol Production from coal pitch Production from naptha checking The feedstock required mostly depends on the production path and the specific isomers required. The procedure paths are extensively covered in subdivision 4 Safety Cresols and xylenols burn the tegument and mucose membranes through debasement of proteins, likewise to phenols. Initially white and later chocolate-brown black necroses appear on the tegument. { 5 } Certain persons may demo hypersensitivity symptoms in add-on to the caustic consequence. Absorption occurs even more quickly when the compounds are in the liquid province. Severe harm to the wellness can happen even if the open portion of the tegument is comparatively little. Inhalation of the compounds besides leads to severe poisoning whose symptoms includes concern, giddiness, sickness, purging, muscular vellication and depending on the badness, loss of consciousness. As these compounds are quickly absorbed through the tegument, a causal intervention of the toxic condition is non yet in being, although a good first assistance step would be to rinse it off the tegument every bit shortly as possible. A mixture of polythene ethanediol and ethyl alcohol in the ratio of 2:1 has been proven to be the most suited for this intent and it is extremely recommended that it is readily available in countries where methyl phenols and xylenols are being handled. It is besides recommended that when working with these two compounds, it should be done in closed setup if possible. Suites should be good ventilated and safeguards such as air locks and gas compensation technique should be in topographic point to avoid the inspiration of cresol/xylenol vapor. With brassy point of the different isomers of both compounds runing from 80-87 C, the storage and transit are handled with extreme attention. Cresols and xylenols are normally stored in well-sealed containers in a cool and good ventilated country. During transit, well-sealed and protective containers are besides used ; the high flammability and the caustic nature of the substances are besides indicated on the label. Further information sing the safety and handling of methyl phenols and xylenols can be found in the MSDS included in the appendices and subdivision 4 Environmental Consideration Cresols and xylenols are readily biodegradable, although cresol degrades faster than xylenol. Waste H2O incorporating 900mg/l of methyl phenols can be treated utilizing biological works with appropriately adapted bacteriums. In the environment, methyl phenols are degraded at low concentrations, particularly by bacteriums that are widely distributed in the dirt and H2O ( peculiarly Pseudomonas species ) . Degradation by other beings, including barms, Fungis, algae, and higher workss, every bit good as by photolysis, is besides known. { 6 } Because of these grounds methyl phenols and xylenol do non prevail in the environment. Due to its toxicity in H2O, there are rigorous Torahs regulating their release into the aquatic environment. Liquid methyl phenols and xylenols can be absorbed with absorbents like sawdust, peat or diatomaceous earth and so later fire off in particular incineration workss. â€Å"Solidified merchandises should non be dissolved, but removed automatically. Concluding residues can be neutralized with 2 3 % aqueous Na hydrated oxide and flushed with plentifulness of H2O into suited drains taking to a biological effluent intervention plant† Cresols and xylenols nowadays in waste gas watercourses can be removed by scouring the watercourse with sodium hydrated oxide or by firing. Adsorption on activated C is another method that can be used ; this method can roll up up to 0.5kg of cresols/kg. The adsorbate is recovered when the activated C is regenerated. Market and Resources Size The entire production of methyl phenol was estimated to be 175,000 t/a, of which 105 000t was produced via man-made path and 70 000t via natural paths. Approximately 42,000t are produced in the United States, 50,000t in Europe, 58000t in Japan and 25000 T in South Africa. The natural methyl phenol comes from the gasification of coal, from coaking of coal and exhausted refinery caustics in a ratio of 50:35:15. { 7 } The entire end product of methyl phenols have been worsening in the past decennary, this fact can be attributed to a figure of grounds which includes worsening markets, the entryway of 2,6-xylenol manufacturers into the o-cresol market, the outgrowth of South Africa in the market for purified methyl phenols, the worsening handiness of coal pitchs from coking procedures and of exhausted refinery caustics, and the increasing environmental costs. Approximately 165,000t of xylenols are produced yearly, chiefly from United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Xylenol mixtures histories for 30 000 40 000 T, 2,6-xylenol for 125 000 T, and the staying single isomers ( particularly 2,4- , 2,5- and 3,5-xylenol ) , obtained by synthesis or isolated from mixtures, for 10 000 T. Xylenol mixtures are chiefly obtained from exhausted refinery caustics and coal pitchs in the United States, South Africa and Europe As mentioned earlier, there are several procedure paths to methyl phenols and xylenol, nevertheless the most utilised 1s are: Production from coal pitch Production from naptha checking Methylation of phenol Synthesis paths from methylbenzene. The inside informations for each of the named procedure paths will be covered in the ulterior facet of this study, below is merely an lineation of the procedure paths and states where it is being utilized. Production FROM COAL TAR Historically, Cresylic acids ; a corporate name for the mixture of methyl phenols phenol and xylenol have been produced from coal pitch isolated during the gasification or carbonisation of coal. The chief feedstock for this procedure is coal pitch and the merchandise is normally a mixture of methyl phenol, phenol and xylenols. Countries and makers that employ the usage of coal pitch in the production of Cresylic acid are outline as follows: Cresylic acids have been traditionally produced from low-temperature coal pitchs in the United Kingdom, with the most outstanding manufacturer being Coalite chemicals. Cresylic acids and 3,5-xylenols are produced in Germany by RuA? tgers VFT AG utilizing coal pitch chemical science â€Å"CdF Chimie in France and Nippon Steel Chemical Co. of Japan have besides been bring forthing some coal pitch based cresols† { 1 } SASOL of South Africa is a major manufacturer of Cresylic acid, and it has been reported methyl phenols of 99 % pureness can be supplied for selected clients. Production FROM NAPTHA CRACKING In the USA, methyl phenols and xylenols have been produced from the naphtha fractions from catalytic thermic snap. The merchandises normally contain up to 1 % C6-C8 phenols. Sulphur Compounds such as alkyl and aryl thiols are treated with concentrated alkalic solutions in a procedure known as sweetener and methyl phenols and xylenols are recovered from exhausted acerb washes, bring forthing Na cresolates/xylenolates. The composing of the exhausted acerb cresolates scopes from 20-25 % of C6-C8 phenols and 10-15 % sulfur compounds. The acerb washes are so collected by companies that produce methyl phenols of which Merichem of Houston, Texas is the most outstanding. This method is largely confine to the USA because of the deficiency of cresolates feedstocks in other states. METHYLATION OF PHENOL This procedure is mostly used for the production of o-cresols and 2,6 xylenols, the procedure consists of merely one reaction measure based on phenol, which is comparatively expensive. Separating the merchandises can besides be dearly-won because of the similarity in boiling points. This procedure can either be carried out in the vapor stage or the liquid stage, with the most common path being the vapour stage path. Methylation in the vapour stage is utilized by: General Electric Co. in the United States ( capacity 5000 t/a of o-cresol and 70 000 t/a of 2,6-xylenol ) Inspec Fine Chemicals ( once Man-made Chemicals, now a portion of Laporte ) in the United Kingdom ( capacity 10 000 t/a of o-cresol and 2,6-xylenol, but the works is besides used for the production of 2,4-xylenol by methylation of p-cresol and for 2,5-xylenol and 2,3,6-trimethyphenol by methylation of m-cresol ) Chemopetrol in the Czech Republic ( capacity 10 000 t/a of o-cresol, m/p-cresol, 2,6-xylenol and other xylenols ) Nippon Crenol ( joint venture of Asahi Chemical Industry and Nippon Steel Chemical Company ; capacity 8000 t/a of o-cresol and 15 000 of t/a 2,6-xylenol ) , GEM Polymers ( joint venture of General Electric Company, Mitsui Chemicals Co. , and Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals ; ( capacity 2500 t/a of o-cresol and 11 500 t/a of 2,6-xylenol ) , Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company ( capacity 5000 t/a of 2,6-xylenol ) and Honshu Chemical Industry Co. ( capacity 5000 of t/a 2,5-xylenol and chiefly 2,3,6-trimehyphenol by methylation of m-cresol ) all of which are in Japan Synthesis paths from methylbenzene There are three possible man-made paths from methylbenzene Sulfonation of methylbenzene Alkylation of methylbenzene with propene Chlorination of methylbenzene Sulfonation of methylbenzene: Sulfonation of methylbenzene is normally used in the production of p-cresol and o-cresol. Companies that makes usage of this procedure includes Inspec Fine Chemicals in United Kingdom ( 15000 -16000t/a ) Konan Chemicals, Japan ( 4000t/a ) Atul limited in India ( 5500t/a ) Commercial workss that employ the usage of Alkylation of methylbenzene with propene includes Mitsui Petrochemical Industries Limited and Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd which are both in Japan. The capacity of the workss are about 20,000t/a The lone commercial works in the universe that uses chlorination of methylbenzene is operated by BAYER AG in Germany. Easy handiness of Cl at a low monetary value might hold made Bayer s works still attractive. { 7 } Market Although used in aromas and nutrient additives, the chief markets for methyl phenol and xylenol are in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. Pharmaceutical industry Cresol and xylenol derived functions, particularly p-cresol derived functions have been used as an of import intermediate in the pharmaceutical industry. Compounds derived from p-derivative include dilitiazem hydrochloride and trimethoprin. P-cresol derived functions such as Para-anisic aldehyde and p-anisic intoxicant have been used as feedstock for production of of import majority drugs. P-anisic aldehyde is used as a critical natural stuff in production of Dilitiazem. Dilitiazem hydrochloride is a calcium antagonist high blood pressure drug. It produces its antihypertensive consequence chiefly by relaxation of vascular smooth musculus and the attendant lessening in perepheral vascular opposition. The magnitude of blood force per unit area decrease is related to the grade of high blood pressure { 7 } . Introduced in the 1970s dilitiazem is presently being produced in Japan, India, Israel and Holland with the planetary production estimated at 1000t/a. it has been reported that there is expected growing of about 7-8 % in production of Dilitiazem during the following few old ages. It is besides of import to observe that India is presently the largest maker of p-anisic aldehyde. P-cresol have besides replaced Gallic acid as the get downing stuff for the production of 3,4,5-trimethoxy benzaldehyde which is later used in the synthesis of trimethoprim. States that make usage of the engineering for the for the synthesis of trimethoprin from 3,4,5-trimethoxy benzaldehyde includes USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark and India. The planetary demand for trimethoprim is estimated to be around 500t/a with about 300t/a produced in India. These are merely two named illustrations of how methyl phenols and xylenols can be utilized in the pharmecutical industry. They serve as edifice blocks to legion other drugs which includes vitamin E. Going into the elaborate production of each drug produced is beyond the range of this study. However because of their huge application, the pharmaceutical industry is a moneymaking market for methyl phenol and xylenol and their derived functions. Agrochemicals The germicide, bactericidal and antifungal belongingss of Cresylic acids have been known for the last 60 old ages. Cresols were used in domestic application as bactericidal and para-chloro-meta-cresol is besides used as wood preservatives. However, it is non merely the first coevals derived functions of single methyl phenols but secondary and even third derived functions that have proved to be really of import works growing regulators or agrochemicals apart from their utilizations as family insect and pest repellants { 7 } As mentioned with the pharmaceutical industry, methyl phenol and xylenol are of import intermediate used in the production of agrochemicals, traveling into inside informations of the different agrochemical produced would be diversing from the chief intent of these study.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Human Mate Choice-science of sex appeal being biologically imperative Research Paper

Human Mate Choice-science of sex appeal being biologically imperative - Research Paper Example Therefore, it is important that proper sex appeal and science of human reproduction be clearly understood for people to understand deeply the human mate choice (Messer, 2010). Generally, human mate choice is a behavioral aspect of human beings. In relation to human behavioral ecology, it involves the evolution of human behaviour in regards the choices that people made before and the choices they make today. Indeed, due to the evolution of human behaviour over the years, it is practically impossible for people to make the same choices today as they used to make several years ago. This is basically as a result of generational changes whose influence in people’s behaviour dictate that human beings behave differently in different environments. In other words, the strategies that human beings adopt in a certain environment (for example 50 years ago) may not be the same strategies they adopt in contemporary social environment. This paper will discuss the behaviour of human beings in choosing their mates as well as the science sex appeal from an anthology point of view. According to human reproduction system and human anatomy studies, men and women are significantly different on the sex appeal choice they always make. Generally, men are always promiscuous while on the other hand women are at times selective on the choice of sex partner they choose. Again, before women make the best choice, they look for some qualities from men whereas men only go for physical looks of a woman. The major characteristic of human beings that make people different from other animals is the ability to speak and use their mind selectively. In addition, human beings’ physical appearance also makes them unique and more different on the way they do things. This differences and uniqueness of human beings make people value and even be different on matters dealing with sex from the rest of other creatures. To be more clear, it is true that biological imperatives control and direct h uman beings sexual behavior (Messer, 2010). According to studies, it has been found that sex appeal is scientifically and theoretically proven biologically imperative. This is because evolution in most cases is what is controlling human beings’ sexual desires. According to evolution, human beings are the only creatures that are able to walk upright after evolving from similar walking styles with other primates. Again, after evolution, human beings and in particular females changed their external body parts appearance including the location of the vagina, which later made it very difficult to be accessed by males (Kalbe et al, 2009). In most cases, it is always found that, due to sex differences, women tend to have likeness and preferences for partners who are higher or greater than they are in terms of status, education, and even wealth. In contrast to this, men always look for girls, who are virgin, healthy, and physically attractive (Elias, Menon, Wetzel, & Williams 2010). Evolutionary theory clearly indicates that human beings mate choices have evolved and mostly focus on the exploitation of resources, social well-being , physical appearance, and capital investment of the opposite sex partner. In most cases, similarities and differences in the choice and preferences of a partner mostly depend on the form of reproductive potential and investment of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment Production Possibility Curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment Production Possibility Curve - Essay Example This provision made it possible for the Homo sapiens to discover new activities such as hunting and gathering to cater for their basic needs. This also allowed for opportunities to develop speech in communicating. In contrast, the Neanderthals were set back by the fast growth rates (Clive, 80). U.S. and Dutch economists attribute the unlocking of trading experiences of the modern humans as a consequence for the extinction of the Neanderthals. An advantage to the modern man was the slow developmental cycles of the brain that enabled him to adapt favorably to the environment. The Neanderthals’ slow development slowed their advantages of engaging in activities such as hunting and gathering to cater for their needs as well as trading with other Neanderthals. Specialization was only an advantage to the humans and this method was not applicable to their cousins (Jon

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategic Management - Assignment Example The company has strategic options like developing strategic alliances with local retailers, offering cost leadership and competitive pricing. Table of Contents Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 14 1 Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 1 Executive summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Business environment 5 PEST framework 5 Political factors 5 Economical factors 6 Social factors 6 Technological factors 7 Porter’s five forces 7 Threat of new entrant 7 Bargaining power of suppliers 8 Bargaining power of consumers 8 Threat of substitutes 9 Bargaining power of competitors 9 Internal analysis 9 Swot analysis 11 Challenges facing the organization 12 Strategic options 12 References 14 Introduction Food retail sector in the United Kingdom employs over 3 million people. This makes it the largest industry in the economy. However, a growing number of supermarkets are coming under intense pressure because of unprofessional treatment meted on stakeholders in the supply chain. Tesco and other supermarkets are committed to strategic development networks that lead to increased productivity. This report gives a strategic management analysis of Tesco supermarket. ... United Kingdom is Tesco’s largest market. In this market Tesco operates under Metro, Express, Extra and Superstore banners. The retailer has diversified to non-food lines e.g. clothing. Tesco delivers close to 40,000 food products. The companies label products operate at three levels. Most of the stores contain gas stations. Therefore, it has grown to become of the leading petrol retailers in Britain. Tesco personal finance is a retailing service offered by the supermarket is a bid to expand its market share. Business environment The business environment on a retailer plays a central role in its profitability. Companies are under intense pressure to acknowledge their responsibility to the society. The introduction of taxes that target the increased advertising of fatty food is bound to affect the performance of the supermarket (Stone 2009). The relationship between consumers and supplies has also been affected because of the ‘fat tax’. The presence of powerful com petitors has led to intense price wars. In some instances, the foreign market environment is hostile and governments try to protect the local industries from foreign competition. Government policies that promote monopoly controls have been blamed for limited access to some markets and segments. Such policies have the capacity to reduce the buying power of consumers. Differentiation is increasingly becoming difficult because of unhealthy competition and government interference. Tesco has developed a policy in which it reduces the prices for fuel based on the amount of sales at its groceries. The retailer compensates by raising prices in other stores. PEST framework Political factors Besides the United Kingdom, Tesco operates in six countries in Europe. The legislative and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Criminal Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminal Behaviour - Essay Example [The Mental Health Act 1983, 2000] For example, most jurisdictions consider psychopathy to be an aggravating rather than a mitigating factor in determining criminal responsibility. In some states an offender convicted of first-degree murder and diagnosed as a psychopath is likely to receive the death penalty on the grounds that psychopaths are cold-blooded, remorseless, untreatable and almost certain to re-offend. But many of the killers on death row were, and continue to be, mistakenly referred to as psychopaths on the basis of DSM-III, DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria for ASPD. ASPD and psychopathy might now be more or less synonymous constructs. [Hare, 1999] Psychopaths generally are more violent than non-psychopaths, and are more likely to engage in a variety of different types of aggressive acts, but tend to engage in predominantly instrumental (calculated) violence, threaten strangers with weapons and to be motivated by vengeance, retribution, or money. [Hart S.D., Forth A.E., Hare R.D.; 1994] The psychopaths' profile includes such individual characteristics as sense of entitlement, disparate understanding of behaviour and socially acceptable behaviour; they are unremorseful, apathetic to others, unconscionable, blameful to others, manipulative and conning, affectively cold, disregardful of social obligations, non-conforming to social norms, irresponsible. Traditionally, affective and interpersonal traits such as egocentricity, shallow effect, deceit, manipulativeness, lack of empathy, selfishness, guilt or remorse are central individual characteristics in the conceptualization and diagnosis of psychopathy. [Cleckley,1976; Hare, 1993; Widiger & Corbitt, 1995] In 1980 psychopathy was renamed antisocial personal disorder and is now defined by persistent violations of social norms, including lying, stealing, truancy, traffic arrests and inconsistent work behaviour. These features appear to be visible through failure to make intimate relationships, impulsiveness, lack of guilt, not learning from adverse experience. [Harris G.T., Rice M.E., Quinsey V.L., 1993] Hare in his 'Without Conscience' (1999) defines that psychopaths charm and exploit others for their own gain, they lack empathy, sense of responsibility, they manipulate, lie and con others with no regard for anyone's feelings. Psychopathy is characterized by such traits as lack of remorse or empathy, shallow emotions, egocentricity, glibness, manipulativeness, parasitic lifestyle, episodic relationships, low frustration tolerance and persistent violation of social norms. [Hare, 1999] Dr.Hervey Cleckley in 'The Mask of Sanity' came up with 16 traits that formed a specific pattern of perspective and behaviour, and to see the 'symptoms' of psychopathy one should connect him with the circuit of a full social life. Psychopaths miss the qualities that people depend on for living in social harmony. [Cleckley, 1976] The psychopathic personality disorder items fall into two clusters: One cluster - Factor 1, reflects core interpersonal and affective characteristics; the other cluster - Factor 2, consists of items that reflect a socially deviant and nomadic

Sociology - What is the difference betweex sex and gender How is this Essay

Sociology - What is the difference betweex sex and gender How is this distinction made - Essay Example Sex was â€Å"nature† and gender was â€Å"nurture†. In the language of Sociology, gender roles replaced sex roles, as gender represented more accurately than sex the social construction of identities and roles dividing societies into women and men. Sex and gender were interdependent, but clearly distinguished. Gender was social, thus variable and subject to change, while sex represented the essential and unchanging physical differences in human reproduction. An implicit causal link existed between sex and gender (Acker, 1992; Wilson, 1989). Feminist sociologists (e.g. Rossi, 1984) who took a biosocial view of gender, saw gender behaviour at least in part, as physiologically determined. They posited a clear distinction and a causal link between sex and gender. However, Acker (1992) states that variations in actions and feelings among both men and women, as well as similarities between women and men seemed too great, to permit the tracing of behaviour to biological differences. On the other hand, according to Butler (2005: 48), â€Å"because gender is fundamentally a way in which we make sense of ourselves as embodied creatures, no investigation of gender can allow itself to be carried too far off from the body. Gender reminds us that our bodies are not merely tools that we use to various ends. Our bodies are ourselves; their gender has a meaning and a value that is not merely instrumental†. In current usage gender is theorized as a basic principle of social structure and cultural interpretation (Scott, 1986; Acker, 1988). According to Unger (1979), gender refers to the traits and behaviors considered characteristic of and appropriate to members of each sexual category. These may be physiological, biosocial or environmental. In explaining gender as a constitutive element of social relationships, Scott (1986) emphasizes that â€Å"gender operates in multiple fields, including culturally

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Criminal Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminal Behaviour - Essay Example [The Mental Health Act 1983, 2000] For example, most jurisdictions consider psychopathy to be an aggravating rather than a mitigating factor in determining criminal responsibility. In some states an offender convicted of first-degree murder and diagnosed as a psychopath is likely to receive the death penalty on the grounds that psychopaths are cold-blooded, remorseless, untreatable and almost certain to re-offend. But many of the killers on death row were, and continue to be, mistakenly referred to as psychopaths on the basis of DSM-III, DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria for ASPD. ASPD and psychopathy might now be more or less synonymous constructs. [Hare, 1999] Psychopaths generally are more violent than non-psychopaths, and are more likely to engage in a variety of different types of aggressive acts, but tend to engage in predominantly instrumental (calculated) violence, threaten strangers with weapons and to be motivated by vengeance, retribution, or money. [Hart S.D., Forth A.E., Hare R.D.; 1994] The psychopaths' profile includes such individual characteristics as sense of entitlement, disparate understanding of behaviour and socially acceptable behaviour; they are unremorseful, apathetic to others, unconscionable, blameful to others, manipulative and conning, affectively cold, disregardful of social obligations, non-conforming to social norms, irresponsible. Traditionally, affective and interpersonal traits such as egocentricity, shallow effect, deceit, manipulativeness, lack of empathy, selfishness, guilt or remorse are central individual characteristics in the conceptualization and diagnosis of psychopathy. [Cleckley,1976; Hare, 1993; Widiger & Corbitt, 1995] In 1980 psychopathy was renamed antisocial personal disorder and is now defined by persistent violations of social norms, including lying, stealing, truancy, traffic arrests and inconsistent work behaviour. These features appear to be visible through failure to make intimate relationships, impulsiveness, lack of guilt, not learning from adverse experience. [Harris G.T., Rice M.E., Quinsey V.L., 1993] Hare in his 'Without Conscience' (1999) defines that psychopaths charm and exploit others for their own gain, they lack empathy, sense of responsibility, they manipulate, lie and con others with no regard for anyone's feelings. Psychopathy is characterized by such traits as lack of remorse or empathy, shallow emotions, egocentricity, glibness, manipulativeness, parasitic lifestyle, episodic relationships, low frustration tolerance and persistent violation of social norms. [Hare, 1999] Dr.Hervey Cleckley in 'The Mask of Sanity' came up with 16 traits that formed a specific pattern of perspective and behaviour, and to see the 'symptoms' of psychopathy one should connect him with the circuit of a full social life. Psychopaths miss the qualities that people depend on for living in social harmony. [Cleckley, 1976] The psychopathic personality disorder items fall into two clusters: One cluster - Factor 1, reflects core interpersonal and affective characteristics; the other cluster - Factor 2, consists of items that reflect a socially deviant and nomadic

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Protecting Privacy in Social Media Research Paper

Protecting Privacy in Social Media - Research Paper Example Users create profiles which they share with friends as a form of self expression. When registering as a user of a particular social media; the information mostly shared with other users and available to the public includes photos, age, gender, contacts and interests (Massey 3). Moreover, most people provide their biographic data such as their education, employment history and hometown. Although users have a right to determine who accesses their information on this social media; their information may got to unauthorized persons thereby infringing on the rights of the user. Security and privacy of one’s information is a major concern for many users of social media, where some networks allow personal information to be accessed by advertising groups or some malicious people who can use such information to the determent of the users. Privacy involves the right of an individual to control collection and utilization of personal data. Problems Associated with Social Media Usage The ma jor privacy problem of experienced by social media users is that their information is accessed by unauthorized persons. Additionally, there is usually a problem of having social media allowing other applications to access users’ information which is used for various purposes such as marketing. The other privacy issue is where some users sign up to the social media with intention of spying on someone and eventual doing something malicious to them or disturbing them. The other problem in social media is posting of indecent photographs and videos which should not be viewed by children although these networks do not have adequate measures to protect children from such materials. The other security and privacy issue arise when one’s status update may be used by criminals to in crime. According to (Jackson et al 212), security and privacy issues related to social media are generally behavioral issues rather than technology. The other problems associated with use of social me dia is that the applications that are used to lure users into the network also expose this sites prone to infection by malware which can lead to shutting down of organization network while keystroke loggers may access credentials. Other risks in social networking include sphere phishing, spoofing and social engineering. Solution Section To guarantee security and privacy the information of social users, it is important that when registering on the social media, one must read the privacy policy. This is because most social media have a functionality which allows users to define the people who can access their information or the people who can they can share information with. Although most social media offers security and privacy setting most users do not take set their security information (Jackson et al 214). Security setting in social media helps users to control the people who can access their information. Additionally, privacy settings help to ensure that a user’s informati on cannot be accessed when searched on the common search engines like Google (Notess 41). When registering as a new user, one needs to review the security policy of the social media since there are some social networks which share emails and other data with third parties. To protect the security and privacy of our information on the social networks, we must be cautious before clicking a link to access to a new page or when opening an online application although the

Water Pollution Essay Example for Free

Water Pollution Essay More people die from dirty water and poor sanitation in Africa, than acts of violence , including war(â€Å"Why is Clean Water so important?†). Children are especially targeted for disease, because their immune system is smaller, and they are younger (â€Å"Why Water?† ). Africa has many poor countries, and many people are dying from diseases in water. Every day, people have to walk over five miles to get a bucket of water for the family they are in. Most of the time, the only water people can find is dirty. Dirty water causes children to develop diseases every year. In fact, over eighty percent of disease is caused by unclean water (Drop in the Bucket). Many organizations are desperately working to give third-world countries the water that people need. The organizations want to build a well for every village in Africa, so there is no more disease breaking out, and people want to reduce the death toll of 2,000 a day, to a much lower amount(â€Å"Water Aid†). In Africa alone, people spend 40 billion hours every year just walking for water. Women and children usually bear the burden of water collection, walking miles to the nearest source, which is unprotected and likely to make them sick (â€Å"Why Water?†). There are many ways one can help Africa reduce their pollution, especially in water. One way that takes the least amount of effort, but makes a big difference, is to donate to an organization. There are so many of them that are serving Africa, and the more donations, the better. People want to end poverty right? Another method of impact is to never waste water. If one cannot finish water, give it to a plant, or save it for later. But never throw it away. The last method of impact is try to reduce the pollution in communities around you. If the world has too much pollution, America’s water will end up like Africa’s, and our population will reduce and reduce, and at some point, the world might even end. To sum it up, the pollution in Africa is on the rise, and people need help to get clean water. First world countries like America have no idea how much people waste clean water, and how lucky those people are to have it. So in the future, don’t waste water, one will never know who doesn’t have it. Works Cited Drop in the Bucket. Drop in the Bucket. N.p., Jan. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. What Makes Clean Water So Important? Blue Planet Network. Blue Planet Network, 12 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. Worlds Top 10 Most Polluted Places. Worlds Top 10 Most Polluted Places: Scientific American. Scientific American, Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Discount stores and the difference between variety stores

Discount stores and the difference between variety stores A  discount store  is a type of  store, which sells products at  prices  lower than those asked by most of the retail outlets. Most of the discount department stores offer a wide variety of products; other stores specialize in merchandise such as electronic equipment, or electrical appliances.  Discount stores are not a type of  variety stores, which sell goods at a single price-point or may be multiples thereof. Discount stores are different from variety stores in that they do sell many name-brand products because of its wide price range of the items offered. Discount stores are very popular in the  United States  than any other countries. In the beginning, number of retail establishments in the U.S. started pursuing a very high-volume, low-profit-margin strategy designed to entice price-conscious consumers. Currently  Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, operates more than 1,300 discount stores in the U.S.   Wal-Marts top competitors are target and K-mart. Porter states that The root of any problem lies in lack of distinguishing between strategy and operation effectiveness The race for productivity, quality and speed has resulted in management tools and techniques, TQM benchmarking, time-based competition, outsourcing, reengineering as well as change management.   In any organization, strategic management is the key to success. There are many theories based on the assumption that without a valid strategy and planning, its difficult for any industry to survive irrespective of the size it have. It is very necessary to understand here that all of the major corporate organizations have finally established themselves, thanks to superior planning of strategies and its implementation. Retail Industry: The retail industry is becoming a news everywhere with not only the traditional industries incrementing their outlets but some major corporate industries also entering into this industry like Fresh @ Reliance of Reliance  Industries and more of Aditya Birla Group in India. Strategic decisions are the decisions that are aimed at differentiating the organization from its competitors in any way that is sustainable and profitable in the future. Porter strongly advocates in the theory that that decisions in business can be simply classified as strategic if they involve some of the innovation and difference that resulted in sustainable advantage.  According to Patrick Hayden about the retailing industry, it adopted the style of discount retailing on its merchandise after the World War 2. It is learnt that discounting in retail was not any strategy at the time Kmart, Target and Wal-Mart first started their business.   Wal mart: Wal mart is known as the giant in retail industry. It has survived for very long and is still a huge enterprise in the world which use to deal with almost every product, apparel, etc.Sam Walton, started a company and with time became leader in discount retailing. It is largest company in the history of world.  Wal-Mart executives continue to follow many of the philosophies that Sams legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of todays fast-paced business environment Wal-Mart became successful because of its good Strategy as well as good Strategy Implementation. In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas. At that time, no one could have predicted the enormous success of Wal mart. Sam Waltons talent and discount retailing made Wal-Mart the worlds largest retailer, as well as, the worlds best retailer in sales. Philosophy for a successful company not only sound strategic management decisions are required, but also innovative implementation of those strategic decisions is necessary. Wal-mart business model: It offers cheap prices than its competitors and differ with them in frugal culture, no regional offices pleasant environment to work. Lots of visits are made by the management and the point to be noted is there are no rehearsals before any meeting and meeting are scheduled mostly on Saturday. In every organization, human resource is the key for its development and in Wal-Mart efficient management of its sources is done. Wal-Mart terms its employees as associates. Compensation for managers are linked to the profit of store operated by them, within promotions, compensation offered to associates depends on companys profits they make and they are also offered some incentives on their performances. Wal-Marts workforce is not unionized and the company takes all the measures and advantages for their benefits. They provide their workforce with training on related issues. Technology plays vital role in development of the organization Wal-Mart is well equipped with technological innovations like store performance tracking, POS, real time market  research, satellite system UPC. Wal-Mart followed procurement measures like hard-nosed negotiations, partnerships with some of the vendors, planning packets, centralized and simplified buying, etc. helps at large the cause of which provides the goods services on cheap prices to the customers. The margin of profit for Wal-Mart was very high, the factors are their inbound  logistics  with frequent replenishment, highly technology driven business model, pick to flight, EDI, hub and spoke system. The strategy of operation by wal mart is innovative and highly creative with big stores in small towns, as they got monopoly in the market at comparatively low rental costs, concentric and efficient expansion, based on local prices, merchandising in their brand name, private labels of the area, store within store, much little space for inventory, etc. In relation to marketing and sales, merchandising was tailored from locals ,they spent less on advertising and the prices were fixed low and it uniquely depends on the store manager and he was the one who fixed the latitude of pricing. If we combine all the above factors together, the margin of profits was increased through bulk sales and further which also boosted the confidence of the customers by providing them various services like point of sale information system which was a new technology driven and the most unique everyday low prices. Strategies used : Wal-Mart made strategic and tactic attempts in its formulation or procedure to dominate the retail market where it is having its presence, experiencing growth by expansion in the US. Internationally, wal mart created widespread name recognition and it focused on high customer satisfaction in relation to its brand name and branched itself by doing mergers and acquisions to new profitable new sectors of retailing. The strategies called Generic strategies consisting of Focus Strategy, where focusing to the niche market is the main objective, the Differentiation Strategy where product differentiation is done and finally the overall cost leadership are adopted by the retail company wal-mart. Any organizations thrive hard to become successful for which it mostly needs to have better resources and superior capabilities. Wal-Mart retail company operates on low price strategy where prices are low and operated as every day low prices (EDLP) which builds efficient trust among the customers. The strategy follows purchasing the product at lower prices and selling the product to customer at much lower prices, price cutting is done as far as possible and increases its profit by increasing the number of sales. Discount retailing strategy by Wal-mart Price spin: According to Porter, operational effectiveness of the strategy and efficiency are the basic key elements for the success of any organization. A company can easily outperform its competitors in the market with its superior management real efficient control hence creating a difference from the others(its competitors) which eventually results into enticing customers. Porter defines operational effectiveness in strategy as performance of similar kind of activities as its rivals but difference in its betterment than them Wal-Mart is an expert in changing and manipulating perceptions. It is actually termed that low price in retailing is not the strategy of Wal-Mart but still the advertisement manipulates the perceptions of the customer by making them think and perceive that its prices are in actual lower than others ( its competitors )price using price spin. Wal-Mart by manipulating makes the consumer stick and addicted coming to its retail store making them convinced that the prices are actually lower than in other stores (its competitors) by selling itself cheaper by advertising that we have lower prices than anyone else and placing a opening price point. The opening price point is the lowest price in the store which is kept at high visibility which makes consumer believes that the products in this store are really cheaper. The SWOT analysis of the retail company Wal-Mart clearly reveals that it is the most powerful retail brand, has reputation for money, value, commitment it provides a wide range of products. It is growing incremnetly at a brisk pace along with expanding its horizon to other parts of the world through various acquisition and merger.  Sustainability at the top place is a very important job that makes the managers strive hard to frame the policies, future intentuions and strategy to compete confidently with its rivals in the market. Imitation, Substitution and Hold-up are some of the threats to any organization in the retail industry.  Imitation increments profits by incrementing the supply. But imitation mostly puts reputation and relationship at stake. The report by James Hall states that Wal-Mart is planning to open some convenience stores as Tesco its competitor has already started and operating in US now known as Fresh Easy Neighborhood Markets.  Such tactics and strategies will create mixed and variable responses among the consumers while demolishing the reputation of the leader in the market. Substitution is the strategy that reduces the demand for what any firm uniquely provides by shifting its demand elsewhere due to changes and alterations in technology. The threats in the case of substitution can be subtle unexpected like we can say diminishing expenses through video conferencing and some other means instead of air flights to be made for long distance meetings with the managers of other stores, etc. Therefore, substitution is a very effective way of attacking dominant and strong rivals in the market. Substitution offers various mixed responses after identifying and understanding the market threats. The organization should fight hard to the threat can go for merging with them, and also can go for switching to different options and alternatives of substitution to be in the market. Hold-up basically diverts the value to customers, its suppliers or complementary partners who have some bargaining leverage or abilities which results in very tough negotiations, contractual agreements as well as can be vertical integration. Wal-Mart is expanding its boundaries by way of acquisition and mergers also. Thus Wal-Mart retail company with such a vast and huge network of stores and alliances as compared its competitors ASDA, Target and many other stores is very well protected enough to sustain and continue its top position in the retail industry.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Minutes Pass :: Personal Narrative, Autobiographical Essay

The Minutes Pass I sit at a round desk for eight hours eight bucks an hour and doodle. The phone rings once or twice every few hours (if I’m lucky, that is) and the population of people over 50 seems to rise by the minute. I sit with my legs crossed, sandal-less, wearing â€Å"work† shoes and my â€Å"work† smile. I enjoy the company I find myself in, even if it is a good book and a nice thought of myself at the beach. So I play tunes in my head, sing songs of glory under my breath, even snack on crackers when my stomach grumbles. Right now I’ve got â€Å"Riders on the Storm† playing along in my head Riders on the storm riders on the storm Into this world we’re born into this world we’re throw It’s kinda funny, seeing as how among the massive song files the Doors have recorded, I usually find this one to tickle my fancy the least, though always hear it up on the radio, overplayed in time. I mean don’t get me wrong - great song, better than most - but as far as the Doors go, I find the song rather mundane. It has become accepted by the public, merely because it’s too far out of grasp for ordinary people to actually determine its true and logical meaning. Of course, they’re all oblivious to this. Only true Americans, and maybe some Europeans, can come to some sort of conclusion within themselves about the truth in things of small importance. Europeans I say, because they live within their culture, see the past and their history. Most Americans on the other hand, live in the present, see only BIG and eat at McDonald’s. I say â€Å"Americans† because we’re the home of the free, the home of the brave, all that good stuff. Every other country looks up to us for one reason or another – we are the Mother country. Only it takes a true American to actually comment on the facts that really come into play while living in an unmistakable society. I mean kids are still hungry, households are disrupted, yet there’s a working world out there for us all. Jobs should be out there, and I think they may be.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Suburbanization and the Social Use of Television :: Television Media TV Essays

Suburbanization and the Social Use of Television The 1950s can be seen as a time of unprecedented family values, in which young, white, middle-income nuclear families arrived en masse in the pre-planned community living areas of suburbia. In the article "Joyride", Kunstler identifies the reasons for, and attraction of, a grand public relocation to previously uninhabited areas outside main city centres. Kunstler argues that it was, in part, the replacement of the streetcar (or trolley), and later the automobile, from the horse-powered transit of earlier 20th century life, that ignited weekend traffic to expand outside urban centres. "Joyriding" on weekends, as Kunstler explains, made suburban areas more accessible and attractive. Suburban areas often hosted various family attractions (such as amusement parks) in which families could experience safe, clean entertainment while being removed from the chaos of the city. Two factors encouraged this "weekending" family behaviour: (1) with the introduction of the electric trolley, passengers could travel any distance at a flat rate cheaper than old horse-drawn methods; and (2) automobiles were greatly subsidized after their initial introduction, thus promoting the number of middle-class car owners. Both these factors brought large-scale transit outside of the city, making the suburbs more accessible and demanding the development of suburban communities. This major development, as described in Lynn Spiegel's article "The Suburban Home Companion", was largely driven by the concept of suburbia as a safe, clean environment (free from "undesirables" such as blacks and lower-income families) in which families could experience both an increased private and community life. This separation, Spiegel says, is what opened the opportunity for TV success. As nuclear suburban families desired to experience the "outside" world (including travel, unusual voyages etc.), they were also trapped in a homogenous communities where life was mundane, and immense pressure was put on each family in these "fair tale" towns to keep up with, and out-do, next door neighbours, and produce a consistently stable and satisfied appearance. As this suburban sprawl of the fifties took America by storm, Spiegel discusses how television provided a necessary means of escapism for frustrated families. The first television show, broadcast in 1949, was a very simple program in which a man and woman sit watching and discussing the TV. Although by today's standards this would be seen as unsurpassingly boring to audiences, this simple show provided a stress relief and easy entertainment; it seemed as though audiences enjoyed watching programs which, similar to their own situation, seemed more rewarding.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Reading the Constitution Essay

In their essay, â€Å"How Not to Read the Constitution†, Lawrence Tribe and Michael Dorf describe the ways the Constitution has been interpreted by different people. Tribe and Dorf make it clear that the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted based on what the framers original intent was is not the way to read the Constitution, it takes much more than that. Tribe and Dorf also explain that justices do not interpret the Constitution in a way that would please the readers (the people) on purpose, because if that were so then the authority of the Constitution would â€Å"lose all legitimacy if it really were only a mirror for the readers’ ideals and ideas (p.49).† This means that people have the tendency to interpret the Constitution based on their own beliefs. Also, the justices themselves have their own beliefs and their own interpretations of the Constitution, but they should not come up with a decision based solely on their own opinions. The exact way to read the Constitution is indefinable, therefore in their essay, Tribe and Dorf instead described how not to interpret it and implied that justices should make wise decisions that are not entirely based on their own beliefs, the original intents of the framers made generations ago, or the expectations of the public now. In the case Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, Planned Parenthood was challenging a Pennsylvania law that placed some restrictions on abortion. Many opponents of abortion hoped that the Supreme Court would use the case to strike down the decision made in Roe v. Wade, which states that a state ban on all abortions is unconstitutional. The majority of the court voted not to do so. This is a good case for providing insight into the way justices interpret the constitution and make their decisions. Justice of the Supreme Court Sandra Day O’Connor wrote the majority opinion for the case. The majority voted not to overrule the decision made in Roe v. Wade. O’Connor wrote on behalf of the majority and wrote in the opinion that the main reasons for this decision were based on the principle of stare decisis and the fact that the case’s central ruling is workable for the states and does not come at odds with other precedents. Also, O’Connor wrote that the word â€Å"liberty† from the statement â€Å"no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law,† (the Due  Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment) includes a woman’s right to an abortion. Thus, the precedent decision made in the case Roe v. Wade that deals with the rights to and restrictions on abortion still stands. Justices William Rehnquist and Atonin Scalia each wrote dissenting opinions about this case. In Rehnquist’s dissenting opinion, his main point upon which he disagrees with O’Connor is that the right to an abortion is not â€Å"fundamental†. By this statement Rehnquist means that the word â€Å"liberty† in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not encompass the right to an abortion because the right to an abortion is not â€Å"implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.† Thus, he does not agree with the majority opinion. Scalia disagreed with O’Connor and the majority about roughly the same point Rehnquist described in his dissenting opinion. The difference in Scalia’s opinion is that he believes there is no question that the right to an abortion is a liberty, but he states that it is not a liberty that is protected by the Constitution. Out of these three justices, Sandra Day O’Connor would most agree with Tribe and Dorf’s essay about how to read and interpret the Constitution. I believe she would be in agreement with them because unlike Rehnquist and Scalia, it seems that she interpreted the Constitution not by what she thought the framers originally meant, but by what she thought would do some good in the future. She also made it clear in her writing that the decision by the majority was not made based on the justices personal beliefs. She shows this in the majority opinion she wrote, â€Å"†¦the stronger argument is for affirming Roe’s central holding, with whatever degree of personal reluctance any of us may have, not for overruling it.†

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mimicking Insider Trading

Introduction Much of the field of finance Is focused on creating abnormal returns?that is to say. Returns that are different from what one might expect them to be based on various characteristics of the investment?by identifying so-called â€Å"inefficiencies† in the stock market. Perhaps one of the most well-known strategies for taking advantage of these Inefficiencies, a strategy widely discussed In academic as well as Industry literature, is following the trades of company insiders.In the united States, company insiders are required to report to the SEC any time they engage in a purchase or sale of their rim's stock. Within two business days following the date of the trade. This Information, once reported to the SEC, Is subsequently made available to the public almost immediately, allowing outsiders to see exactly how insiders are trading.When insiders trade based on material non-public information and earn abnormal returns, it is a violation of the strong form of the Effic ient Market Hypothesis, which itself is not backed by any significant emplace evidence, However, If outsiders are able to earn abnormal returns by mimicking Insider trades, this becomes a violation of the ideal-accepted semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that the price of a stock incorporates all publicly available information.The academic literature contains many studies which attempt to generate excess returns by replicating Insider trades, with varying degrees of success. While some early studies (Gaffe 1994, Finery 1996) claimed that outsiders were indeed able to create a small amount of excess returns, a later study by University of Michigan Professor H. Negate Shun concluded that once these trades accounted for transaction costs, the excess returns would be nearly zero. Later studies by Rezone and Zamia (1988).Line and Howe (1990) and Frederica, Gregory, Mahatma and Tones (2002) have also reaffirmed that transaction costs depleted all the excess returns from these studies. (1)On the other hand, several studies conclude that it is possible to earn excess returns by applying a â€Å"mimicking strategy' selectively. For example, Lakefronts and Lee (2001) conclude that if an investor mimics only large trades and only by the top management of a company (excluding board members, majority shareholders and other company employees), an outsider could in fact generate excess returns.Other theories suggest that It Is possible to successfully replicate Insiders trades by using the strategy in markets outside the US, such as in the Italian, German and Spanish markets. [l] A critical factor in determining whether an outsider will profit from replicating the trade of an insider is the motivation behind the trade. Insiders are likely to engage In Insider trades for a number of reasons, not all of them connected to Inside Information on future firm performance. An Inside trade that Is ambulated by liquidity or diversification needs is unli kely to contain any â€Å"predictive power and exult in any abnormal return for an outsider.While it's relatively obvious that the Insider's motivation In making an Inside trade Is a key factor in determining how successful the outsider's mimicking trades will be, existing academic literature has, for the most part, been unable to take advantage of this factor to increase returns on test portfolios. Were outsiders able to identify the motivation behind the insider's it might become possible to create a portfolio of performance-predicting trades, which would generate abnormal returns. In a 2007 paper entitled â€Å"Decoding Inside Information†, (Cohen et al.Harvard University and University of Toronto professors test an innovative and original approach to mimicking insider trades. By using a simple algorithm, the strategy attempts to separate insider traders into two categories: opportunistic traders and routine traders. Specifically, the algorithm involves analyzing the past three years of an insider's trading history, and identifying as routine traders those who had made inside trades in the same calendar month for three consecutive years. The remaining insiders, approximately, 45% of Cohen et al. ‘s sample, is identified as opportunistic traders.Insiders without three years of trading story are discarded from the sample entirely. Cohen et al. Test whether the trades made by these â€Å"opportunistic traders† contain any predictive power relating to firm performance, and how the trades of â€Å"routine traders† perform in comparison. Methodology In order to test the efficacy of this strategy, the authors construct four test portfolios at the end of month t, comprised of month it's: a) Opportunistic buys b) Opportunistic sells c) Routine buys d) Routine sells At the end of each month, the portfolios are rebalanced to reflect the routine and opportunistic inside trades and buys in that month.The objective of using these oratorios is to test whether or not there is any added value in separating routine traders from opportunistic traders, using the algorithm designed by the authors. In other words, the study tests whether following only those insiders identified by the algorithm as â€Å"opportunistic† could yield a positive alpha, and how this compares to the returns of the â€Å"routine trader† portfolios. As noted above, the SEC requires insiders to report transactions within two business days following the trade (prior to the enactment of Serbians-Solely in 2002, insiders had until the 10th day of the following month to report the trade).In the sample used by Cohen et al. , nearly all of the trades were reported on the day on which the insider made the trade. (2) As such, by the time the portfolios are rebalanced at the end of each month, information on these inside trades would have been publicly available knowledge. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the potential implications of this on the results of the strategy. Predictive Ability of Routine vs. Opportunistic Trades In order to determine whether the â€Å"opportunistic† traders, as defined by Cohen et al. s algorithm, actually contain any predictive power, the authors run pooled aggressions of returns on indicators of routine and opportunistic trades in the prior month, with future one-month returns as the dependent variable. The findings reveal that both the buy and sell opportunistic trades contained much greater predictive power than routine buys and sells. The results reveal that opportunistic buys yield average returns 0. 90 basis points (with a t-statistic of 4. 46), 76 basis points higher than that of routine buys. With a p-value of 0. %, the difference is significant. It is much better indicator than considering all insider buys. Testing opportunistic versus outing sells exhibits similar results, with a coefficient of -0. 78 in the regression of opportunistic sells, and 0. 04 in the regression of routine sells. The difference is again significant with a p-value of 0% (F=29. 30). See Table 1 in Appendix for full results. Alpha The authors test for the presence of abnormal returns using several different asset pricing models, including the CAMP and the Fame-French model, as well as others.While the tests use two different types of portfolios, one value-weighted and one equally weighted, the findings are similar and the results below will therefore focus only on the equally-weighted portfolio. In the case of opportunistic versus routine buys, the results indicate monthly CAMP alphas of 1. 51% (with a t-ratio of 5. 89 and p- value The results indicate that longing opportunistic buys, and shorting opportunistic sells could yield significant excess returns. An equally-weighted portfolio of opportunistic buys and sells yields a monthly CAMP alpha of 1. 81%, and a monthly Fame-French alpha of 1. 41%, with respective t-ratios of 5. 6 and 5. 04. Based on these results, it is evident that by separating routine and opportunistic trades from trades motivated by liquidity and diversification needs, and following only the former, outsiders may be able to significantly outperform the market. Distribution of Returns While the study by Cohen et al. Goes not provide much information on the characteristics of the distribution of returns on the various portfolios used in their study, looking at other sources which study insider trading strategies may provide some insight into this issue. This information is highly relevant to risk-averse investors, to whom the probability of losses may be as important as the expected return. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, H. Negate Shun finds that the probability of loss (defined as earning lower returns than an investment in the market portfolio) on a single mimicking transaction is 49. %, excluding transaction costs, and 51 . 7% when transaction costs are taken into account. (3). When combined with the study findings o n average return, which falls in the 2-3% depending on the minor variations in the study various tests of the strategy, the approximate 50-50 arability of loss indicates a positive-skewed distribution. As such an investor must mimic a large number of insider trades in order to earn returns near the average of 2-3% in Shunt's findings. While the relatively high probability of losses may seem risk averse investors, as it indicates a smaller probability of extreme negative losses.Although there are substantial differences between Cohen et al. ‘s study and Shunt's study?likely the most important of which is that Shun does not differentiate between routine and opportunistic insiders as Cohen et al. Do?the results from Shunt's study may be an indication that the distribution of Cohen et al. ‘s results are positive-skewed as well. Indeed, it is likely that following only opportunistic traders would both reduce the probability of extreme negative losses, as well as increase the probability of extreme positive gains, thereby resulting in an even further positive- skewed distribution.In addition, the high probability of loss illustrated in Shunt's findings would likely also be reduced when following only opportunistic traders. Trading Costs and Refinancing Because this strategy involves relatively active trading, its costs (commission fees and id-ask spreads) will undoubtedly be higher than those of a buy and hold strategy. That said, when the strategy is applied selectively, as is the case in the Cohen et al. Study (I. E. By mimicking only opportunistic insiders rather than all insiders) trading costs can be significantly reduced.In Cohen et al. ‘s study, the test portfolios are rebalanced at the end of every month, based on that month's opportunistic insider trades. In both the opportunistic sell and opportunistic buy portfolios, outsiders would be able to profit by shorting and buying, respectively, holding for a month, and balancing at the end of e very month. Monthly refinancing requires immediacy, and the stocks would need to be purchased and sold using market orders. The outsider would thus incur the additional costs off larger bid-ask spread.Outsiders may potentially be able to rebalanced less frequently, submitting limit orders instead of market orders, holding on to the stocks for longer periods of time, and still profit. According to Shunt's findings,(4) in the case of an â€Å"insider buy', the profits are realized over the course of several months. (5) As such, the outsider may be able to educe refinancing to twice a year, and hold on to â€Å"insider buy' stocks for 6 months. In this case, the outsider could likely afford to submit a limit buy order and wait a few days before it executes.However, this does not apply in the case of an â€Å"insider sell†, as there is no evidence to indicate that these profits are realized over a period of many months. As such, monthly refinancing it necessary. Barriers to Imp lementation In reality, while the strategy would certainly not be difficult to follow for an institutional investor or a sophisticated individual investor, it would perhaps present mom challenges for the average investor. In Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading, Shun advises that an investor mimic close to 100 insiders, in order to reduce the probability of loss to an acceptable level. 6) Granted, applying this to a strategy which differentiates between opportunistic and routine traders would likely require an outsider to follow a smaller number of insiders in order to obtain a reasonably limited probability of loss. Another potential barrier for the average investor is differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders. While Cohen et al. Ere able to accomplish this, as would institutional and sophisticated investors, it resources to successfully differentiate between the two types of insiders.While these issues may not be particularly large obstacles, they do presen t additional considerations and challenges for the individual investor. Insider Trading and Serbians-Solely An interesting point to consider is the impact of changing SEC reporting regulations on an outsider's ability to profit from following insider trades. A Stanford University study (Zealand 2005)(6) tested the success of a generic â€Å"mimicking strategy' in the ears leading up to Serbians-Solely, versus the success of the strategy in the years following the enactment of the new legislation.The study found that in the first 27 months, it was possible to generate excess returns of up to 17. 67%, including trading costs. After this period, however, it was no longer possible to obtain these returns, likely because the market had fully adjusted to this new source of public information. Looking forward, it is possible that any further changes in SEC regulation make information more readily accessible with a smaller delay, will present investors with another opportunity to earn addi tional returns before the market is able to react.Strategy Comparison While Cohen et al. Are the first to attempt to generate excess returns by differentiating specifically between routine and opportunistic traders, a number of studies in the academic literature have sought to increase returns from following insider trading by applying the strategy in various other selective ways. Although the â€Å"routine vs.. Opportunistic† strategy appears to be the most successful thus far, several other versions of the strategy have also managed to create excess returns.A duty conducted in Sweden (Ayatollah and El-Marin, 2005) reveals that replicating insider trades of stocks listed on the A-List and Attract 40 (the Swedish stock indices reserved for larger companies with significant operating history) does not generate abnormal returns at a significant level. On the other hand, replicating buy transactions of â€Å"insider clusters† (multiple firm insiders making similar trades in the same time period) of firms trading on the O-list (designated for companies which lack the requisite operating history or size for listing on the more established lists) could generate abnormal returns up to 33. , excluding transaction costs. By selectively applying a mimicking strategy to smaller companies rather than larger ones, to buy transactions rather than sell transactions, and to insider clusters (numerous firm insiders making same-type trades in a given period of time) rather to individual investors,(7) an outsider may be able to generate excess returns. The study conducted by Shun, which examines 60,000 insider transactions on the NYSE from 1975-1981, reveals similar results. Over the course of 100 days, the buy transactions exhibited excess returns of 3%, while the sell transactions underperformed the racket by 1 . %. In other words, an outsider may have been able to profit by going long â€Å"inside buys†, but not by shorting â€Å"inside sells†. He also found that there has been a greater amount of uninformative sell transactions that have taken place in the ass, compared to the ass-ass(8), it could be that since sass, the amount and frequency of stock compensations has greatly and continuously increased,(9),thus it into routines and opportunistic you would be able to keep the informative transactions and be less affect by this tendency.Shunt's results also indicate that placating insider trades in smaller firms generated higher excess returns than insider trades in larger firms. (10) It may be easier to generate excess returns by replicating insider trades in smaller firms, because these insiders are typically subjected to less scrutiny by analysts and by the media than their counterparts in larger firms. As such, they may be more willing to engage in profitable, â€Å"performance- predicting† trades than insiders at larger firms. However, it's also possible that these trades generate higher expected returns simply bec ause they have increased risk.In order to compensate investors for this risk, investments in smaller firms can be expected to generate higher returns, as reflected in the Fame French model. Similar to the Swedish study, a study conducted by Jenny et al. (1999) (7) also found replicating insider cluster transactions to be more profitable than replicating individual insider transactions. The rationale behind this?that same-type transactions from multiple firm insiders within a given period is likely motivated by insider knowledge rather than by investor-specific needs–is fairly obvious. 11) Cohen at al. Observe similar results in Decoding Inside Information. The study findings indicate that a one- standard deviation increase in the log number of opportunistic sells translates into a decrease in future returns of 29 basis points per month (excluding the specific days each year when firm executives receive stock compensation and subsequently liquidate some of their stake in the f irm). (12) By differentiating between routine and opportunistic traders as Cohen et al. O, outsiders can avoid these routine sells, and mimic only informative inside clusters. Looking Forward Although Cohen et al. And others have illustrated various ways in which outsiders ay be able to generate excess returns by mimicking insider trades, several potential obstacles may stand in the way of this strategy in the future. As with any market inefficiency, increased popularity of the strategy as well as increased accessibility to information on insider trades may cause a decline in future returns.Today, there are already a multitude of web sites that allow outsiders to track insider trades, making information about such trades readily accessible to the average investor. As a growing number of outsiders attempt to replicate these trades, it is likely that it will come increasingly difficult for investors to mimic trades in time to capture any gains. Another potential threat to this strateg y is the proliferation of endowment assurances, which firm insiders use to take advantage of offshore solutions in order to hide their transactions. Insiders are therefore able to trade stocks and derivatives of companies â€Å"anonymously', and avoid reporting insider trades to regulators. This would obviously prohibit outsiders from gaining access to and mimicking insider trades. (13) Lastly, increased penalties for insider trading could also threaten the success of the strategy. Cohen et al. How that during periods with increased cases of investors being prosecuted for insider trading, the number of trades identified as â€Å"opportunistic† decrease. In other words, insiders take seriously the risk of being caught and charged.